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  1. Awesome I think I finally properly understand the term for dragons now, thanks! :happy2: Yeah I asked the seller if she meant the standard halfmoon by saying longfinned and if the other halfmoon parent was a plakat if it wasnt a 'longfin' like the other. The seller offered me a refund and fish pick up but I think Ill keep him/her, its quite active and the colour is quite interesting.. Also I dont think it would be fair on the fish, he was showing some seriously washed out colour when he was bagged I thought they gave me the wrong fish
  2. I was looking for a halfmoon so either way, I dont think he would be worth my money or me driving all the way out to Lincoln :-? He/she is pretty cute though haha I dont have plans to breed at the moment but I was thinking that I might in the future.. Yeah I guess that longtail thing doesnt make sense to me either, standard halfmoons, deltas, crowntails etc have large tails anyway so it seems fruitless to refer to them as longtail halfmoons etc. What happened with the elephant ear term?
  3. Thank you for your reply. The breeder cant seem to be able to provide photos of the parent fish, looking at the sibling offspring she says there are short finned, longer finned and some dumbos as well so she says she doesnt think that either mum or dad were entirely halfmoons. I assume she means genetically homozygous halfmoons or genetically fixed halfmoons. She also says that this fish is the only one with dragon scales.. Personally I dont seem to be able to distinguish dragon scales unless the fish has that thick painted scale look.. There are no other betta fish around him at the moment
  4. Yip the anal fin being longer than the tail seem to present itself as a male in my opinion, I have asked the seller for photos of the parents to see if they are the standard halfmoons. Thank you for your generous offer but unfortunately Im in Christchurch.. The world of bettas is a complicated one :dno:
  5. The temperature is kept at a steady 27 deg, he seemed pretty stressed with moving and the change in environment (colour washed out drastically with prominent stress line) and recovered in a couple of days but he still glass surfs and sometimes has a stress line that looks a bit faded. Yes I do wonder how they would do that, maybe they use a list of other traits to sort them, the judges must be judges for a reason :lol: and yes a lot of females do seem as colourful as males after all the selective breeding no dispute there. Ive even read of females blowing bubble nests themselves, laying eggs (when they are quite gravid) and picking the unfertilised eggs up and putting them in the bubble nests all by themselves... The use of other bettas is not really possible since I dont have any other bettas :-?
  6. He/she does have an egg spot, but after some research I read that even some males can have egg spots (which is not so rare that International Betta Congress has banned male bettas with eggs spots from entering contests.. apparently) Yes when he flared the tail does seem to get close to a halfmoon but I thought that it would grow to the right angle with age.. The seller said the father was a longtail halfmoon and the mother a halfmoon, which as you said, doesnt really make much sense. Oh I just had a thought, maybe the longtail halfmoon means normal halfmoon and the halfmoon mother a halfmoon plakat? Even though the parents are halfmoons, theoretically they could create an offspring with delta tails if their halfmoon genes are not fixed right? I feel like I need some other more distinguishing traits to sex this one, Im so confused! :nilly: :happy2: His colour does look nice but I think he is more a turquoise than green, as he looks blue most of the time and green from certain angles.. Still, the metallic sheen looks very pretty especially in the sunlight
  7. I got this fighter just over a week ago. He was 5 months old when I got him and on the auction site the seller had described him as a male green dragon fighter. His fins hasnt grown even the slightest in the last week and when I see photos of other bettas the males seem to have fins that are longer than this one even though they are younger by one or 2 months. He flares at his own reflection very readily and does have a visible beard which completely disappears when he is not flaring. My understanding is that bettas are fully grown at around 7 months and since he only has less than 2 months left till then, he doesnt seem like he will become a full halfmoon by that point (the seller also said that one of the parent fish was a longtailed halfmoon) He also seem to have very small ventral fins in comparison to other bettas.. Please help!
  8. Thnak you for your advice But I dont have that many fish (not planning to breed yet either) and I've only just graduated and working a part time job so I dont have $80-$130 to spend on fish food at once Hence why I am looking for small amounts..
  9. When you say the competitive prices, I guess you mean the large quantity sales? I tried looking on Kens fish today, the shipping alone is 50 bucks and all I need is the small jars
  10. I called HFF today, they said they dont have the small fish granules Also the 1mm granule is the only one they have in small quantities according to the shopping site..
  11. Ive got cherry barbs and axelrods rasboras at the moment I bought a 80g New life spectrum for community fish which the granule size is 1mm. I knew it would be a little too big for the rasboras so I tried crushing it and feeding them which worked fairly well as the crushed particles tend to float longer than whole granules so they dont sink to the bottom before getting eaten But I just saw a female cherry barb having a little trouble chewing a whole granule as well.. So Im pretty keen to try New life spectrum small fish (granule size 0.5mm) but I cant seem to find any in NZ. Does anyone know where I can get them from? Cheers! :happy2:
  12. Thank you for your advice I thought I did a decent job of acclimating.. Next time I will definitely be using a thermometer to check the bag water temperature as well! And also will definitely get a fighter that is old enough, how old should they be before they can be introduced to new environments without any problem? The reason I got the young fish was because I wanted to see his fins grow out
  13. Thank you :tears: He was swimming around quite happily in the breeder's tank when I got him.. Im not fully sure about his age, I tried emailing the breeder to ask his exact age but did not receive a reply I did see a couple of his siblings and they were all around the same size, very small and cute Thank you very much for your advice! Quite saddened by his death, he was such a pretty one
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