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Everything posted by Ira

  1. The answer would be, "The error which popped up when I clicked on this thread." :slfg:
  2. You DEFINITELY need to breed from it!
  3. It wasn't so much that there were many new species, though I don't recall any giant eagles last time I watched the discovery channel. It's that everything evolved and the environment changed to be extremely hostile to humans. All the plants became toxic, all the animals started aggressively attacking humans, even the air became unbreathable. That's the movie's backstory anyway.
  4. I don't know, maybe he's talking about this?
  5. That's good, the other kind is expensive.
  6. Ira


    Mosquito. (No, I'm not absolutely sure, but it's almost a sure bet.)
  7. ....Frying.... No L. And yeah, my money is on your room mate dumping a handful of whitebait into it. That's the most plausible way they got there. Maybe Stella can ID the species.
  8. Hmmm, Actually $899 is a good price. About $781 NZ pre GST, that's about $650 US. I just plugged an estimate of the package's details into UPS's website and came out with $250 US shipping. So at that price you'd have to get the lights for $400us to break even.
  9. Hmmm, that's pretty nice looking. About $520us before shipping?
  10. That's a new one for me. :slfg:
  11. Assuming it's just a tank, no stand or anything, yeah $20-30 sounds about right.
  12. Knowing the (lack) of accuracy of those, I fee confident saying, "Nope, the stick on thermometer doesn't work ok."
  13. Because, basically, the smaller it is the more difficult to keep stable. The less stable the more you will kill. Nanos can be difficult enough for people with experience. For a newbie...Have fun flushing $200 fish and $100 corals every few weeks.
  14. Most first suggestions is, "Whatever you do, DO NOT start with a nano reef." In the region of 200-300 liters is usually the suggested minimum. The Redsea max 250 is a generally good all in one setup.
  15. We just found 12 more in another spot.. That's one productive chickimeanweta.
  16. I threw the eggs out, one smelled bad when I broke it, so we're going to keep an eye out for new fresh ones.
  17. Found in my garden: I think the eggs belong to this: Alternatively, might be the neighbor's chicken...
  18. I prefer terracotta pots to plain plastic ones, but any type of plant pot should be fine. You can pretty much anything reasonable in a tank, any container that's food grade is definitely fine. Anything stainless steel would be fine. Anything plastic would usually be fine.
  19. Well, actually he turns into a bit of a...Actually no. Not going to spoil.
  20. I find a combination of a goldspot, redspot and 30 or so bristlenoses along with a generous helping of apathy to be quite effective. Seriously though, I only get a little algae in the cracks and crevices and around the edges of leaves and all I do is dump food in the tank and then change the water every few weeks.
  21. Yeah, it stops the body from processing the really toxic metabolites so they build up rather than quickly being processed into less toxic ones. One guy I know on it had serious reactions and was hospitalized after using mouthwash with alcohol in it, caused a seizure. Another friend that was on it was found drowned in a neighbor's swimming pool. No real explanation for that one but I suspect it may have been a seizure too, minor ones can result in just severe confusion and disorientation.
  22. Scrape algae? That's a real thing? I don't think I've done that since about 2003. :slfg:
  23. I think what you're referring to as "Ethanol" is not ethanol, it's fusels and other byproducts. Generally due to a bad still, wrong temperature or too much at the beginning or end of the run. Basically it's all the alcohols OTHER THAN ethanol.
  24. If it's in the laundry sink taht's pretty out of the way so might as well give it a week. You can test the water after it's been soaking, make sure the PH isn't too high if you want.
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