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Everything posted by Ira

  1. As far as your color temp and settings you should be shooting in raw. Then you have a lot more freedom in post processing. Doesn't matter what the actal color temps are you can tweak them, brighten dim pics etc.
  2. If I could do that at will I'd never leave the house. :happy2:
  3. Operator malfunction definitely :slfg: The thermostat is likely to flip off as the whole body and electronic s get superheated. Bit then its still something like 200 degrees. It likely would havw been fine if you had unplugged it and waited for it to cool.
  4. Welcome to NZ, where very few are as fanatically nationalist and militant as the US.
  5. Same way most of the pest species got to NZ. Intentionally introduced like possums, deer, hedgehogs, magpies, trout etc. Either to make money, because they're pretty snd surely couldn't cause a problem or because the acclimatization societies didn't believe British people could survive without familiar animals.
  6. Ira

    shiping fish

    I don't think liquids or any of that other BS are NZ regs. Just US, along with taking off your shoes and getting fondled by the TSA... If I sound annoyed guess where I am right now? LAX.
  7. They're livebearers and if it's a female it's probably pregnant.
  8. Just kill it. "Koi carp, gambusia and the aquatic weeds listed in this brochure are classified as Unwanted Organisms under the Biosecurity Act 1993. People caught displaying, releasing, spreading, selling, or breeding them without an approval under the Biosecurity Act are liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or both" http://www.doc.govt.nz/Documents/conservation/threats-and-impacts/biosecurity/aquatic-pests-fact-sheet.pdf
  9. This place sells 35% solutions,$30+shipping: https://mygoodhealth.co.nz/product_info.php?cPath=53&products_id=581 They also have 4L and 25L batches. You can of course dilute it to 3% or distill it to a higher level if you're making rocket fuel...What do you want it for?
  10. I've seen them in mine. Some grew up into bristlenose, some grew up into pearl gouramis. Some were planaria, some were bristleworms, some were vermatid snails, some were flatworms, some were stomatella snail, some were spaghetti worms.... What were yours?
  11. Moore Wilsons here had some, good size for 2-3 bags of fish for $10.
  12. I squeeze, shake, squeeze, smack against the side of the sink, squeeze, swish around and repeat until either I don't get any more brown water out or I get sick of doing it. Whichever comes first. Back when I could be bothered testing I tested after some times I'd forgotten to plug the filter in for a couple days, power outages, etc that were long enough to presumably have killed the filter. And I never got a measurable ammonia reading. So, I think assuming you have a mature tank and aren't overstocked there's no need to worry about it. The bacteria doesn't just live in the filter, it llives on every surface in the tank, the gravel, the glass, the plumbing, probably even on the fish. So killing off some isn't going to be a big deal.
  13. I just give everything a good rinse under the kitchen tap with lukewarm water, but I have a rainwater tank. I figure even if it does rinse out or kill some of the bacteria it really doesn't matter. I couldn't kill much more than a fraction and they breed extremely fast.
  14. Not even a splash out of my tank. :f77: Was kind of concerned though, so hurried home just to check.
  15. Easy enough to drill them yourself too and tap, especially since I assume it's aluminum.
  16. Ira


    Here we go, better flower pic: Don't tell work I've been dangling my work phone over a fishtank...
  17. You should take that car out of the tank, it will rust. :slfg:
  18. Try hitting it. A lot of small powerheads sometimes won't start properly when they're powered up. Or get a toothpick or something and poke the impeller, it will probably start spinning. Running them dry isn't really that big of a deal unless it's for ages so it wears out or overheats. They'll usually rattle away for an hour or two without a problem.
  19. People spend millions building entire industries, buildings, arenas and lifetimes of breeding other racing animals just so they can have an excuse to get drunk and gamble. Using a commonly available animal for a smaller scale inexpensive version makes a lot of sense.
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