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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Flowers on some succulents do last ages though. Like this one's lasted about 4 months, I think.
  2. Ira

    Beamswork LEDs

    I'll make you a deal, you pay half and I'll be the guinea pig. :sage:
  3. Why is anyone giving them attention? You're not supposed to feed the trolls.
  4. Reminds me of a story my dad used to tell all the time. Went something like, Mom: What are those big towers? Dad: Those are microwave towers. Mom: What are they for? Dad: You know that fancy new microwave oven we just bought? Those towers transmit microwaves that the oven collects and uses to cook the food. Mom: Oh WOW, I never knew that's how they worked! Mom should have known better than to believe him....
  5. Base, back, sides. It's relatively common for big tanks. I wouldn't bother for a little 30gallon, probably cost as much as glass.
  6. Ira

    Aquaponics pond

    You fraud. :slfg: But if that date's right...Can I borrow the camera you used to take a pic of some lottery tickets?
  7. The good thing is...It doesn't really matter. For dosing medications it's important to have a rough idea, but even then for the medications we use the dosage range between clinically effective and deadly overdose is usually so wide you'd be fine most of the time dosing by splashes. If you have a marine or brackish it's moderately important, but even then most will use a refractometer or a hydrometer to adjust the salinity rather than measuring out a specific amount of salt for the water. For calculating lighting or stocking levels volume is nothing more than a rule of thumb. Why did I spend 5 minutes writing this when I could have just said, Meh, it's close enough. :slfg:
  8. I hate that my tank is too small, needs to be much bigger. Maybe 1800X1000X600 would be good.
  9. Ira

    Beach sand

    I wouldn't bother boiling it. Just give it a good rinse to keep it from clouding up the water too much, it still will heaps though.
  10. Ira

    Ira's tank

    Not much, 2 geophagus jurupari, redspot and a goldspot plecos, 1-2 dozen bristlenose, 5 or so giant danios, about 3 female guppies, 1 bronze cory and 2 featherfin synos.
  11. You need bigger fish. I had a severum swallow a bumblebee whole once...
  12. Ira

    Ira's tank

    My tank, nothing special, but since I did a little bit of a cleanup today and put in a few plants from livebearer breeder and I wanted to play with my new camera. Also I don't think I've posted a pic of it in ages... :sage: 1200X600X600 is way too small. :tears:
  13. Yeah, sumps aren't really that complicated to make safe.
  14. I think it has more to do with if they're Precocial vs Atricial(Yes, I had to google to double check the name for those) Basically if they're mobile shortly after hatching or not. Precocial bird: Atricial:
  15. No, and those have only been spotted around Auckland.
  16. I'm pretty sure there is noone who hasn't bred guppies at some point. So, anywhere here works.
  17. Actually, I'm not sure, I thought it was, but now that I've checked pictures, they look much more brown. This one has more black wings with bolder white stripes, I only got a tiny glimpse of the adults and I think they did too. Closest I can find is maybe a Chaffinch? Yeah, after some googling of baby chaffinch pics I'm pretty sure that's what it is. How do you pronounce that?
  18. Doubt it, it seems they've also abandoned the nest and, I assume, the remaining chick.
  19. Yeah, your Ram would become a Mikrogeopharrrgus ramirezi.
  20. In my, limited, experience what usually ends up happening if the pop eye gets that bad is that it ends up completely tearing out the eyeball and releasing the pressure. Then there's a bit better chance of them surviving.
  21. Found in our courtyard. I moved him to underneath the tree he fell from, hopefully his parents will find and feed him. He has better odds there than in the courtyard trying to fight off 3 cats and a dog anyway.
  22. How about this? http://store.explosm.net/products/depressing-comic-book
  23. Just don't use them. They're only there to bend the flexible hose, they're not required.
  24. I think what he meant was that what he suggested would attract a roaming swarm, Or more specifically the queen who will be followed by the swarm.
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