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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    LED Lights

    Obviously. And shipping is only something like $25.
  2. Ira

    LED Lights

    Hmmm, Those kits seem a pretty good price.
  3. It's a secret. I totally don't use google image search.
  4. Angles are really easy to breed. You just bisect them and then you have two.
  5. If you want blind guppies just throw something like this over the tank:
  6. There's a good chance a pond would be warmer than a rainwater tank though. Pond will be in the ground, which won't be as cold as the air.
  7. How big are they that they can eat pallets? Or do you chop them down into small pellets? I would have thought the wood wouldn't be good for them, though since they're carnivores not herbivores.
  8. Well...Leaving my lights on for 24/7 appeared to be the beginning point of my happy, healthy marine tank turning into a bleached, wasteland deathtrap... Changed the timer because the time was wrong then went on vacation for 3 weeks. When I came back half the corals were bleached or dead, the other half were retracted, several fish were dead. I never was able to get any fish or coral to grow well after that and most died within a few weeks of being put in. So...Anecdotally, I'd say don't leave the lights on 24/7
  9. I suspect his "missus" isn't going to be porting cast iron cylinder heads...A dremel should be more than heavy duty enough.
  10. Yeah, I got one for about the same, maybe a bit more. Lasted 2 uses. So I decided to spend the money on a real dremel. It works well.
  11. You know if you google "Dremel" the first result is, "Manufacturer of hand held rotary tools"
  12. Why would you call a rotary tool a hand grinder?
  13. Better a smartass than a dumbass?
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidney_stones You know, I'm starting to think it's time for me to give up on being a smartass... :slfg:
  15. You've got bigger problems if your Urethra stream has sand and stones in it.
  16. I've seen big bags of shells at crafty type shops, $2 shops, etc. When I bought some I bought them from a table at the upper hutt fair thing they do every year.
  17. I'd have thought most plumbing places would be able to rig something up. Have you tried Enzed?
  18. They're great, one of the best fast food chains. Omnomnomnom
  19. Yup, pretty much what I've done, minus the drilling holes.
  20. Hey, I'll swap you my fish for her sister and this one for his grandfather...
  21. I'm sure a standard sim card would fit somewhere in it. Worst case just duct tape it to the side.
  22. Wait, which one is the one that is all about them doing or saying stupid things?
  23. I found one in the sleepout over the weekend...
  24. I use a bag of tablets I bought from Henward a year ago that I can't remember what they actually are...They're green. Feeding a handful every two days or so and I'm still only 2/3 through. I'm a fan of cheap food.
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