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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    River tank

    Bristlenoses, 3 severums, a redspot and a goldspot and a black shark. The current actually isn't particularly fast. Not like the fish need to swim hard to stay in place, they just kinda point into the current and paddle their pectorals slightly faster. Half to 1 foot per second would take about 4-8 seconds for the fish to swim the length of the tank, and you can imagine that's not even halfhearted bored wandering speed for a 9" fish.
  2. Well, first you have to get the proper food for them which is basically unavailable in NZ...
  3. I've actually been thinking that the weather's been pretty much perfect so far this summer. Nice and warm, not too hot, relatively dry, maybe could even do with a few more rainy days. But no complaints at all.
  4. It is, which is why lumens has been used several times to describe the light intensity. And then lumens/watt for efficiency.
  5. Ira

    River tank

    I have a laguna PJ5000 in my 440 L four foot tank in the back left corner pointing to the right. That's enough to get the water swirling at about a half a foot to a foot per second across the front of the tank right to left. So, two of them like I said earlier I'd guess would be good enough to get the water moving up around 1-2 fps. Maybe throw a couple seio or similar powerheads in the mix somewhere to get the swirling even better.
  6. Ira

    River tank

    A pair of pond pumps, like Laguna PJ5000s, one on top of the other in, say the back left corner pointing the length of the tank should give it a nice swirl, get the whole tank flowing.
  7. Any units for light intensity other than what? Than watts? The way that's normally used isn't a measure of light intensity.
  8. I didn't say 5w led= 5w fluoro. I said lumens=lumens.
  9. ok, so if a normal 4 ft fluoro tube is about 3000 lumen, if we want to replicate 4 of those(12,000 lumen) and 160 watts. We'd need one hundred 5 watt luxeons at 500 watts and $8300 for just the leds. So, either it's not such a great deal or it doesn't work that easily.
  10. There are luxeon leds and similar that are up to 5 watts each. But, I don't think you'll get them for less than about $20 US each. Which, isn't actually too bad. Luxeon also sells LED fluoro drop in replacement tubes. $150 US and it looks like they're a little brighter, draw a little less power. Not really significant. http://www.luxeonstar.com/item.php?id=5528&link_str=1429&partno=EVE25T8-48-S5
  11. How much are you looking to spend? I'd probably go with a pair of Aquaone CF1200s. I'm impressed with mine so far and they're very cheap. $130 from petplanet. Seem to be bigger with more media volume than the equivalent fluvals too.
  12. Ira

    Hermit Crabs

    Haha, You're doing something seriously wrong if you can't find them. Quick and easy process to find hermit crabs: Look in rockpools. Find snailshells(Check under rocks, etc) If it has legs, you've found a hermit crab. Pick up hermit crab and put in bucket. If no legs then poke snailshell. If it falls over, you've found hermit crab. Pick up hermit crab and put in bucket. If it's stuck to the rock, you've found a snail. Move on.
  13. Take it in and try to get a new one and you'll still have the same fault, which from the sounds of it is the user.
  14. Put some lubricant like vaseline on it. That will help you get it on when it's really tight the first few times.
  15. I feed mine a handful of pleco chips daily. But, I have 2 dozen of them.
  16. Ira


    What's your home address? Got any good gear or fish?
  17. I've used cable ties looped around my spraybars and driftwood with the other end wedged in the cover glass to hold it. Works pretty well. You could try similar, or a piece of string?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMCf7SNUb-Q
  19. There's no such thing as too much light, your water is just too dirty.
  20. If you were at anything further than point blank you would.
  21. They're egg layers. They don't get pregnant any more than males that aren't seahorses do.
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