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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ok, CF1200 ordered. That's the last of something like 5 404s taken out of service in the last 5ish years. Now I'll be running nothing but CF1200s.
  2. You might be able to get away with a heat exchanger setup. The stainless cooling a smaller tank of fresh water that won't corrode the stainless which you have a coil of pvc or some kind of hose running through full of the marine tank water. Cooling tanks is easy, cooling them reliably, practically and inexpensively...Not so easy.
  3. Ok, it appears that the importer(Brooklands, I think it was) does not have any in stock. Sooo, I'm thinking I'll just buy another CF1200. Someone was saying they bought one from some place in Nelson for a good price? I can't find the post though.
  4. That's when you buy a large cichlid.
  5. Not quite anything. Must be cheap and bite size. Though, some people have unintentionally violated the cheap part...
  6. Fish for feeding others. Feeder fish...I thought it was pretty self explanitory.
  7. I'd say a 1200X600X600 tank should be good for all of those and still give you room to expand while still being relatively small.
  8. This is the first thing that comes to mind... :lol:
  9. Ira

    how many litres??

    Assassins calculate volumes in kiloliters.
  10. Ira

    how many litres??

    Real men calculate dimensions in angstroms. :evil:
  11. That explains who he's married to... (Sorry, I tried to resist) :lol:
  12. Ira

    how many litres??

    It's that kind of thinking that leads to people unable to figure out the volume of a tank unlike the average 12 year old. :lol:
  13. I'm not sure why that's necessarily disgusting. Nothing wrong with dog weight pulling which would use them. I guess it's likely not a particularly popular sport in NZ. I want to know how they got the malamute to pull AWAY from the 300KG of dog food?
  14. Yeah, 10mm should be ok. 12mm would be better, but I bet it would be about 4 times the price.
  15. I think when they're very young you can pop them too, because they haven't developed any spores.
  16. I don't know if that's necessarily the case. It sounds like you went up to him and said, "We want a video camera that takes good stills." So he went to the video cameras and gave you one that, for a video camera, takes good stills. Unfortunately, sales people can't be expected to always know when giving a customer what they ask for is a bad thing.
  17. Electric eels, then you don't need to plug in the train set to make it run...
  18. I don't generally consider any shop employees to be a source of information or advice, regardless of big or little store, hardware, pet, etc. I tend to just use them to give me directions to things I can't find or to take my money.
  19. On my marine tank it was just a hose run straight from the pump up into some 25mm(iirc) pvc in a U hanging on the back of the tank with a PVC spraybar on it. Was quick and easy to make.
  20. 304s impeller is much smaller, I believe. Not interchangable. We'll see if the I can get a new one.
  21. .34 megapixels according to the specs. So that would make an average cheap camera now more like 20 times the resolution.
  22. Maybe after boring out the hole in the head the impeller slots into to make space for the larger diameter magnet and enlarging the pump chamber for the wider impeller...But I think not. I might be wrong though since I haven't compared them side by side. Yeah, the later 404s and the 405s do use the same impeller, but not the earlier ones.
  23. Yeah, it's either this one... Or this one... I think 404s are getting up near 10 years old now. Probably older than that, now that I think about it.
  24. Why must you have two different impellers for 404s? Down to my last working 404, the impeller is falling apart so it jams up and stops working and the lfs is having a hard time getting me the correct, older curved blade impeller. Maybe I should just ditch it and upgrade to a CF1200 instead.
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