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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I think if you look closely you might find that Brahmin are hermaphrodites.
  2. You need to cut the head off one of the bulls, put it on another and make one of these...
  3. Ira


    What's that mean in english?
  4. What is it? (Other than a cannister filter)
  5. The ideal would be to have a house within a couple hundred feet of the ocean. Then you could pump water straight into the tank.
  6. Ira

    Drift Wood

    And it all turns brown/red in the tank eventually anyway so it doesn't matter if it starts off or not.
  7. Only if you apply for and are given the appropriate licenses. It looks like you may need to have a licensed containment facility, a zoo license and then apply for a special license for each species you want.
  8. Hoverdogs may be able to fly from Auckland to Christchurch, but they generally don't need anyone to fly them...
  9. Yeah, wooden airstone(Errm...Airwood?) would be the best you're likely to get. Part of the problem is that bubbles in freshwater usually tend to be much bigger than in marine.
  10. Installing the new one now. There have been a few little tweaks of the packaging and contents since I bought one last time. They now include an extra coarse sponge and the plumbing elbows you'd assume would be 90° and which were in the previous ones...Are now more like 75°. Kind of annoying.
  11. And most tropical fish can't survive in NZ water either, doesn't matter to the people that make the laws. This has been gone over about a billion times on the board.
  12. That sounds about right, pretty reasonable actually. My insurance before I came to NZ was $5000NZ/year, for reference.
  13. My last mouse liked it when you'd scratch its ball. But my current one is a laser mouse, it doesn't have any.
  14. You pump enough air in and they do make a LOT of current. But it's usually a fairly slow diffuse current. I had a tall tank with a big airpump on it once that seemed to get the water moving more than a 1000lph powerhead.
  15. I think common plecos are actually less common than gold or redspots. I don't remember seeing any in a while. My Goldspot is only about 2-3" shorter than my redspot and is about 3 years old vs 6-7. So they don't grow that much smaller.
  16. You probably got the last one! :evil:
  17. Ignoring that common names are pretty much used for whatever the lfs wants... goldspots and redspots are opposite patterns. Gold spots are gold/tan/reddy patches on a black background, redspots are black patches on a gold/tan/reddy background. I have one of each. Oh...Then there's also the golden spotted pleco. Goldspot(Not my pic) Redspot(Is my pic)
  18. From what I can see they're a strain of Koi. In which case the answer is hell no they're not legal to keep.
  19. If it was usable as a backup I wouldn't be replacing it. And I'm not into spending $250 extra for an additional vague "I suppose it's worth it..." when I can save the money and have a definite "Works well."
  20. Except the prices on 405s seem to vary from $300-450.
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