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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Nah, The Abyss. (Actually, the movie came first.)
  2. Yup looks like it's a chick flick. Not going to watch it.
  3. Ira

    ... What the?

    I found water changes and blackout didn't do any good, it just came right back. I was doing near 90% water changes every couple days and it had popped up in a couple of my tanks. Dosed it with E(From our local south island dealer) and it's never come back.
  4. Bent backs is, iirc, a symptom of fish TB.
  5. I've had a pair of gold severum males trying to breed. They seemed to get really angry with each other because neither would lay eggs. And 6 different pairs of jewels(4 fish in different combinations) trying to breed, but all were female! This was before I decided I hate breeding fish. (slight edit by Caryl due to language used)
  6. Just thought I'd get it in before it became an issue.
  7. Looks like it's time to give you the birds and bees talk... Egglayers do not get pregnant. That's the whole talk.
  8. I don't think I've ever heard a snail called a shell fish before. I was confused as hell, thought maybe you were talking about some kind of shell dweller cichlid, but they don't have legs either...
  9. Ira

    I have discovered...

    Did you go diving?
  10. Ah, we may have found the cause of the significantly higher crash rates...
  11. Ira

    Dragonfly larvae??

    Dragonfly larvae are bigger and black, I think. I saw something making a big wake in my pond a few times, I couldn't figure out what sea monster I had in my pond making wakes when the biggest thing in it were snails. Eventually got lucky and caught one of the dragon fly larvae. Big monsters.
  12. Hmmm, 16 watts vs 50 watts. Works out to roughly $5.50/month more electricity. I can't find any prices for 2075s, though.
  13. Nah, it's definitely some kind of ray.
  14. I've been notified that the other fish in the tank are preparing a malpractice suit against you, Sally. And their lawyers will be demanding an autopsy.
  15. Does a dirty image censor not black out or pixelate nudity? HDR pics do look pretty cool, kind of makes things look a bit cartoonish, it's a cool effect. I've always liked the long exposures you can do with DSLRs too.
  16. You can get USB TV tuners, but they're usually not very good. Best is a PCI card, which any computer made within the last 15 years or so should be fine with.
  17. Ok, here... TV Tuners http://www.ascent.co.nz/Category.aspx?majorcatID=97 More TV Tuners http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/SearchResults.aspx?searchType=0002-&searchString=TV+tuner&type=Search 68,000,000 hits for "how do I watch TV on my PC" http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=how+do+I+watch+TV+on+my+PC&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  18. *Cough*Torrents*Cough* Otherwise you'll need a video capture card or similar.
  19. Ira

    Fresh water - salt

    Not really, no. Chlorine is the least of your concerns. Any trace minerals, metals or anything in the water will build up continually as the fresh water evaporates and is replaced with more contaminated water. And if you can get a full setup for $300 you're doing pretty well.
  20. Nope, I haven't. Pleasepleasepleaseplease can I Caryl?
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