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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Aquaclear filters

    Only if you could get them all together and good luck getting that to happen.
  2. Ira

    Aquaclear filters

    Definitely not. I'm not sure exactly what would happen, but I think it would involve something resembling 3 mile island...
  3. Ira

    I have discovered...

    No way, I'm an Alaskan. Actually, I was looking at google maps and thought, "I wonder if there are any big cities in Newfoundland?" So I zoomed in a bit, most cities are near bodies of water so I zoomed in on a promising bay, looked for some gray areas that looked like a city and zoomed in on that and the name popped up. Of course, I am 11 years old, so I had to share my wonderful discovery.
  4. Ira

    I have discovered...

    The worst placename ever, this is probably where the internet ends. Click here
  5. Ira

    Average at Animates

    3 month probationary period is only for companies with 50 or fewer employees, iirc. I believe Animates has one or two more than that.
  6. Having a beak, some feathers and at least vestigial wings I think should do it. A bird with pink skin, fingers and hair on its head would be a people bird... :bounce: <--Bird smiley attempting to fly.
  7. Like I said, they've never actually paid attention to it.
  8. Like Caryl says, many cycle their tanks without knowing what they're doing. You cannot say you've never cycled a tank before if your tank is successfully converting ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. Then it's cycling. It's like saying, "I've never eaten before." While stuffing food into your mouth, chewing and swallowing. You've just never paid any attention to what it's doing.
  9. I think Wet pets claims to run theirs through some kind of filter, I don't know what. Also, waiting 3 days is not cycling your tank. At best it's just making sure the temp is stabilised and any sediment from the substrate has cleared out.
  10. Reminds me, I heard there was an RC helicopter hovering at the RC field here in Upper Hutt a couple weeks ago. A paradise duck decided to attack it(Or just wasn't watching where he was going) and flew into the rotor blades. Apparently wasn't pretty for the heli or the duck.
  11. Obviously a joke, bristlenoses are like giant barbs, no way you'd get him out tail first. You need to tie the string to his tongue and pull him out frontwards.
  12. Depends what you consider overly expensive. Dick Smith has 12v 1 amp power supplies for $20, Jaycar seems to have a better variety, some a little cheaper.
  13. That's why baby food is frequently used for injured and sick birds. No extra sugar, salt, etc, easy to digest.
  14. Baby food should be good too. If he's sitting calmly in your hand like that he's probably practically dead. Our Rosella that was hit by a train was like that, but she managed to survive.
  15. *Turns video card fan to 100%* WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU. SPEAK LOUDER! Haha, when I put in my new video card a couple weeks ago I was a bit startled when the fan spun up. It's ridiculously loud at 100%, I've turned if off auto and just running it at a steady 30% now.
  16. It was probably submerged in oil for improved cooling. Relatively commonly done.
  17. Ira

    Average at Animates

    Of course not, cardinals are a couple bucks more.
  18. Ira

    Average at Animates

    Neither, I'm being serious, I don't remember seeing neons for $4, I think they've always been around $5-6 when I've looked at the prices.
  19. Ira

    Average at Animates

    Hmmm, I don't think I've seen them that cheap before.
  20. Except that's how it works in an open system like a sump, not a closed loop like a cannister. The pump does not have to lift the water back up. Gravity does that all on its own. The only reason you want to keep the cannister closer to tank level is to minimise hose lengths, longer hose=more friction=lower flow.
  21. What? The cannister doesn't care where it is in relation to the tank. The only time it would matter is when the cannister is empty if it's above the tank it's harder to get it filled by siphoning from the tank into the cannister. After that you could hang it from the ceiling if you wanted.
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