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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Don't know if I trust friends, might get the poor guy in trouble. Phrase: "Hello ma'am, how are you?" Translation: "Por favor, posso apertar o seu peito? Eles são muito simpáticos e alegres. Gostaria de lancha deles." Although translating back into english google appears to lose the boobs and motorboats references...
  2. I'm sure they would too, but who is going to pay for it?
  3. I thought masterpet ones were the ones that ARE supposed to be emersed,but not immersed? I think I've had a couple masterpet ones immersed over the years, they seem fine just get a bit of condensation inside, just like all of them.
  4. So, great for birth control in a guppy tank, maybe?
  5. Ira


    You need to get rid of those horrible round stripey things so you can free up some space for some nice fish.
  6. Ira

    wet pets

    Huh, I always thought their prices were pretty reasonable. Most FW fish are pretty cheap anyway.
  7. Ira

    6 litre nano

    A couple weeks if you're lucky, iirc.
  8. Ira

    outlet pipe

    Find something meshy, cut it up, silicone, epoxy, super glue it on. Just about anything will work.
  9. Ira

    wet pets

    Best place within driving distance of Wellington.
  10. Ira

    outlet pipe

    Yeah, I had a 20mm, iirc, pipe in my marine that was the overflow for a 6000lph pump.
  11. There's a lot of that on the internet. "Feed your fish frozen food without defrosting it first and they will DIE! Range check your RC plane at 20 paces instead of 30 and you will crash and KILL SOMEONE. Charge a lithium battery inside and it will burn your house down and KILL YOUR KIDS! Let your cat near your kids and it will EAT YOUR BABIES! Drive 5 kph over the limit and you will MURDER SOMEONE!" And so on.
  12. I use rainwater, only additives to my water are bugs, leaves and bird poop.
  13. Relation to what? I don't think any of the ornamental FW/Brackish puffers carry the toxin. I vaguely remember that the marine ones that do, in the wild, lose it in captivity.
  14. Tetradotoxin, which is found in pufferfish, is only produced by a bacteria. It is not produced by pufferfish, blue ring octopus, etc that simply store it.
  15. Yeah, it can be. There are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of species. Most are harmless, many are quite helpful.
  16. Sooo...What is the 4th dimension? Because as far as I can see it's still a 2d representation of a 3 dimensional object. For example, this is a 2 dimensional representation of a rotating 4 dimensional cube http://www.bvs.hn/Honduras/SUN/SUN2008_archivos/Misc/Logos/hypercube-rotation.gif
  17. I'd just rubber band some filter wool around the filter intake. Clogs up pretty quick and looks ugly, but only takes sticking your arm in the tank to remove it and rinse it out. Edit: I don't mean as a long term solution. Just short term.
  18. Indefinitely. The only reason they'd be going "off" is if the container isn't quite sealed, but then you get freeze dried blood worms in with your frozen ones. So it doesn't exactly matter.
  19. Ok, so why are they called 4d scans?
  20. Ira

    Capturing Cute Challenge

    Still nope, some kinda naked monkey thing. It's not a malamute, that one is a Klee-kai.
  21. I prefer to just cut up the courgette, boil it for about 5 minutes in the microwave(Realistically, put in microwave, set for 5 minutes and then remember it half an hour later). No need to worry about weighting it down, no fluffing around trying to poke pellets into it, just throw them straight in the tank.
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