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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. Amazing that you got them to breed. They are one fine looking shrimp and the only ones we can get in NZ.
  2. I havent been reading this thread very well so someone might have said this but lots and lots of corys!
  3. A powerhead simply powers certain filters it is just the pump and pipe and has no filtration qualaties.
  4. Cant forget kungpow its a crack up. Also any of the monty python films except for meaning of life.
  5. Thanks for that I will try that. Its strange that theres a certain area in my tank where my Aponogetons are planted, were everything grows extremly big and fast.
  6. My Aponogetons have grown out of control, unsure of the species but since it grows so easily im guessing its a hybrid. I need to cut it back back but I dont know how do do it since it grows from the base and wont split into stems if cut. Do you cut off the whole stem to not leave a stump? Can you even trim it or do you just replace it with a smaller plant?
  7. Possibly Hitchhikers guide to galaxy but thats better as a book,( I should have put this in the book thread lol)
  8. At that size would it still be pourous enough to hold enough air to float? Im sure it would raize your ph alot though.
  9. Almost all the fishkeepers I know have atleast one and most of the petshops down here have heaps in stock.
  10. Whats that grass in the foreground? Looks good.
  11. I remember I used to think it was Chillid until I properly looked at the word lol :lol:
  12. Ohh cute geos. :lol: I wonder if they will still be when they are big?
  13. Its truly amazing how such small fish can jump so far, but sadly often to where you dont want them or to thier deaths. Atleast it didnt jump on to the floor. My next guess would be aliens but im going into that...
  14. Wow didnt see those... they look awesome in that school.
  15. The plant in the background in the first pic is probably ambulia or cambodia. Hope that helped.
  16. Hell that val looks good! Things always look better oncem the plants grow. I wish my gourami didnt have a hatrid for the stuff or I would get some.
  17. Thats a great price for where I come from and I would say thats cheap compared to any petshop. But I guess you could get them that cheap from breeders. Even from them it would be a could price, If you want them go and get them. Theres seems to be a surplus of kribs at the moment so that would explain the price.
  18. Great work so far, That drift wood is a really good piece. I would get some more plants to fill the tank a bit more though.
  19. Wow thats the most creative use of a bird cage ive seen. :lol:
  20. The Flourish excel would be the one I would be most worried about.
  21. Cheesejawa

    New Pics

    Your tank and fish are seriously amazing. And I mean that. My favourite shot is of the BN.
  22. Ohh gota love that aisan tower thing. No ofence to you or the fish but those albino neons creep me out. :lol:
  23. This thread is so entertaining but I would never use any. :lol: I have heard some pretty bad ones but sadly cant remember them.
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