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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. Not natural I think but I agree that they are the same species. I have heard that crossing long fin danios with short fin ones will produce sterile offspring but I may be wrong.
  2. Google is your friend but... They feed mostly at night and will happily accept anything that sinks but really like bloodworms and catfish pellets. They will also eat any fish that die and seem to leave no trace. They are mostly very peaceful and like to be in groups of five or more but seem to be happy in pairs. Females are quite a bit bigger than males, I dont know any thing about breeding but I have heard they do better with a high amount of males to one female. They stay to the lower part of the tank most of the time. Give them shelter and some where to hide such as plants or a cave and they will be fine.
  3. Swim bladder problem? Sorry I cant help much apart from that.
  4. I have a high fin peppered cory. Sorry I cant really get pics because the camera is too crappy to take close ups of fish. :lol:
  5. Wouldnt the panda mascot be more approriate for the logo on the bag? :evil: :lol:
  6. The first looks like a hygro species, maybe polysperma. The 2nd could be ludwiga but im not sure. Cant help with the third but the fourth is definetly ludwiga repens. The fifth is probably a sword of somekind. Last no idea but maybe a hygro species again. I dont think anny are the same plant. Sorry about the vaugeness but I hope this helps
  7. LOL :lol: bad joke. Why didnt you just post it there?
  8. Can i ask which type of cories?(go for panda or sterbai they are the coolest) :lol:
  9. Well they are a schooling fish. :lol:
  10. LOL but really thats a horrible thing to do to an animal.
  11. I did the trim yesterday, only cut down 3 of the stalks I just thought that it looked too crowded and was blocking a bit too much light.
  12. Thats the most disgusting thing ive seen all day! :evil: How would the fish breathe and how would you feed it? Surely the olympic council or the chinise governmant would not allow such a thing to be associated with the olympics!
  13. The that first piece has a really dark evil look to it, with the moss growing through it it makes a great center piece.
  14. Cheesejawa

    BN caves

    Whats with the pic of youtube tools? :lol: some kind of way of getting the BNs into caves by means of enticing them into the caves with videos?
  15. Sterbai, peppered, Juilli, pygmy or panda are the common ones off the top of my head.
  16. Corys? Thats the most obvisous answer to me.
  17. It was amazing. The dancing display was much better than watching the athletes go round. The bit when the globe came up from under the stage with dancers suspended on robes running round. I was abit concerned when the globe turned red though. Also right at the start when they counted down from ten with people making the numbers. The organisment of all those especicaly when were in those small boxes and moving up and down to make patterns. But that really said something about china's human rights. :lol: I think the four things were a bit pc and I would have put other things insted of those but il keep quiet.
  18. It dosent look like popeye to me, maybe just a mutant gene causing a larger eye?
  19. :lol: Not much you can do, I would just let him enjoy the fact that he has better vision than most gouramis. :lol:
  20. One big school of one species would be nicer but lots of corys of any type is better than none by far. I guess different species would school.
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