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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. yup people keep them in rift lake tanks to keep the ph up
  2. Where can you get flat rocks that will not react with the water? :roll: :roll:
  3. How do you signup on the pet plant website?
  4. you cannot buy the black sponges i have looked at pet shops and they do not sell them ether. They only come with the tank but i bought mine off trademe and for some reason it did not come with a black sponge.
  5. i have 2 wool pads and those carbon cartages i can get crematic noodles but havent got round 2 it
  6. yup but the inbuilt filter is missing the black sponge and those little crematic ring things.
  7. i have about the same water flow as him but i have floating plants would that have any effect. My tank is about 3months old and his would be about 6 or 7months old. :roll: he changes the water by scooping it out with a cup or jug.
  8. he has the same tank with a slighty different filter and bigger plants and around the same amount and size of fish. The main difference is that my tank gets sunlight and has a bit of an algae problem. I just bought a GBA to help with the algae
  9. I do 50% water changes once or twice a week. My friend who i got it from changes his water with a cup. Is there any thing else i can do to stop it?
  10. I have these rapid growing plants that i got from my friend. In his tank they are a nice light green but in my tank they turn all brown and horrible like theres something growing on them. When a new part of the plant grows it is a light green at first but then it turns that mankey brown. http://pic80.picturetrail.com/VOL2124/10185440/18306454/288327065.jpg heres a pic (i Hope) can you tell what species of plant this is and how I can stop it from going manky brown
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