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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. Most veges cannot be eaten at first by fish or will not sink unless boiled or steamed first. Just put the veges in a dish of water in the microwave for 3-4mins. Put them in cold water for a bit to let them cool down then put in the tank. Works with mushrooms too which BNs and plecos love.
  2. Yes it goes But it dosent always heat when its supposed to and heats too much sometimes.
  3. I my very small experience of fish shops I would say Organism in christchurch is the best quality I have been to. The staff were very experienced in fishkeeping, extremly clean tanks, healthy fish and great range of fish and products.
  4. But your fish could go apple bobbing with the apples. :lol:
  5. they might eaten the eggs of someone else ate them. Possibly she thinks shes a pleco. :lol:
  6. The red laser thing is fun especialy with angels, they are really interested in it,probably their hugryness. And all my fish seem very good at bitting my finger at feeding time. I always thought that fish would keep themselves entertained.
  7. Another case of 'that looks nice' buting sydrome. :evil: Poor fish.
  8. Ive replaced the departed neons with harlequin rasboras, hopefuly they will do a bit better.
  9. Im pretty sure you are meant to give us a riddle to help us solve it, at the start. Anyway, Is it a charican?
  10. Thanks for sharing vince. Love the photo of castle rocks. No quite as much snow as we had here but still very impressive. :lol: (I wish there was a poking the tounge out emote) :lol: Anyway what are sheeps?
  11. Holy Heck! that stone fish sounds awesome. PICS!!!
  12. Oh I didnt see this thread before I posted in the clownloach thread. Their mouths look kind of like fog horns too.
  13. Afrikan, wow I would love to see a clip of the 'fog horn' catfishes in action. I personaly think that those big clown loaches look rather majestic and personable. But still strangly disportionate, like they have grown too big for their own bodies. I can understand how you can think that they are hidious, its just a matter of opinion for example I find male bristlenoses quite disturbing actually.
  14. No need to apoligise. The original question was answered a long time ago. :lol: This seems to have turned into a thread for the discusion of the reproductive organs of livebearers. :lol:
  15. You asked for a cleaner not a contibuter to the mess (that swims) didnt you
  16. What are you going to post? :lol: I think you mean gonopodium.
  17. I find that any of the species from the siphon genus are great clean up crew. :lol: They require almost no attention or care at all too.
  18. My angels and probably most angels really enjoy bloodworms, frozen or live.
  19. And they are a marine animal. Could possibly be an undiscovered species of catfish, or as the article said a mutant. You never know what goes into chinese Reservoirs.
  20. I prefer wotsit. Add on makes it seem like its a bonus to have one. :lol: I wonder what the fish would think about us humans talking about their wotsits. :lol:
  21. http://shanghaiist.com/2007/08/11/amazingly_huge.php Beast of a thing, But I still dont beleave it could have eaten a man.
  22. That is truly amazing that she can do that.
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