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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. The hygro, ludwiga repens, java fern and aponogetons all have pieces out of them. :evil: This has never happened before and all the fish have been in the tank for months now and have never done this with the exception of the moonlight gourami. They are all fed once of twice a day. In the tank I have 2 angels, 9 lemon tetras, 1 moonlight gourami, 2 danios and 1 GBA. Who is eating my plants and how can I stop it.
  2. Cheesejawa

    A few pics

    Wow great rams and corys You should get some flourish excel to sort that black beard algae out. I know I say this every time you post but I love your rocks. :lol:
  3. Dont do the glow lights thats a too small tank for them and the school isnt enugh. Get 2 more snails insted.
  4. Wow another ... thread. Go waste someone elses time.
  5. Wow I cant belive thats a fish. it would be such a interesting fish to have.
  6. Cheesejawa


    You always hear stories about people buying them for fishkeeping pusposes getting odd looks. :lol: I have heard that SAE are good at eating BBA when they are young but as they get old they get lazy and prefer flakes. I wuld say dose with flourish rather than a fish that you may not want later.
  7. You really should be doing far more than that, aleast 30% or more a week. is that 3 quarters or 3 or 4 weeks?
  8. Do you know how long ive been waiting for a NZ fishkeeping channel. lol :lol: Great just subscribed.
  9. What ornaments are in your tank? do you use peat or have driftwood?
  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Number 8 i love.
  11. No rocks are actually unsafe for aquariums, some just raise ph. try pouring vineger over them before using, if they fizz they will raise ph. simple as that.
  12. Im pretty sure it has algae destroying properties because it changes the carbon or something structure in the water which is deadly for some algae types. I should go read the bottle. :lol: yeah but its not harmful to fish so I dont see why you couldnt use it in a non planted tank.
  13. Did u try tto use the difliblultor on him? ok I know what it is but I cant spell it :lol:
  14. Wow thats a nice fish $75 doesnt seem so nice though. :lol:
  15. the larger gourami species go well with angels they seem to get along fine. Ive never kept any with smaller species though.
  16. Wow what a fish and great photos, how did you manage to get him on your hand?
  17. I believe spacific is a band I think you mean specific. Yeah you need to be a bit more specific in what fish you mean lol :lol: Well il start by saying dont keep fish that have bigger mouths than the whole of the other fish together. :lol:
  18. Cheesejawa


    Alot of those larger cichlids people mention are really sutable for a planted tank especialy the convicts. But the appistogrammas, kribs and rams do fine in planted tanks. As for mid and bottom level schooling fish you would be looking at danios and tetras for the mid level and corys are the basic bottom level schooling catfish. All of these do best in groups of five plus.
  19. ohhh awesome but exactly how much does he eat?
  20. So what do you use as a substrate? snails. :lol: Its suprising how 2 snails can turn into 1000s in a few months? That would be loach heaven. :lol:
  21. No... tiger barbs? where would you get kribs from??? The new setup is far better, what is the grass like needly plant in the backgound?
  22. Make sure no one drinks it. :lol:
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