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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. Cheesejawa

    TV One NOW

    Im guessing boobies are a fish :lol: :lol:
  2. Cheesejawa

    brown algae

    my 34litre is full with brown algae too, you are not alone. But sadly mine is mostly on the plants so it has to stay.
  3. Cheesejawa


    it seems to not have the spot anymore but it still attacking the other. LFS suggested it might be male and is agro.
  4. it would be a bit risky trying multipule fighters wouldnt it?
  5. Cheesejawa


    Does hex or hole in the head affect angels? I got the angel yesterday with one other. On the way home It attacked the bag and the other angel. Once in the tank it seems fine most of the time but it hides behind the filter a bit and sometimes swims erraticly? The hole Itself looks like a single, small white hole on the side of its head. I does not look like whitespot. Do you think my angel is sick? How can I treat it?
  6. Add kribs, It would be very interseting watching cichlids raise their babies.
  7. not reccomended because angels are hardier and run the risk on spreading disiase.
  8. actully those are some of the most amazing pics I have ever seen!!!!!!! How do you make your tank so great.
  9. oh nothing really changed I will show updates when I get some drift wood, the flourish excel arrives so the plants can take off oha and hopefully change it to a black background. Now wait hopefully there will be new fish tommorow so I will do updates then.
  10. can you post update please? Really nice tank you have.
  11. um dont use flash, dont take photos of the the tank directly on. its not really that hard.
  12. do you know if the silicon was aquarium safe? It could be leeching into the water. Have any of the other fish died? How newly introduced are the angels? I dont actully keep discus but I have heard that it is not good to keep them with discus as they are hardier and could be harbouring disease that could spread to the less hardy discus. I
  13. are those the ones that are some of the largest in the world? Flax snails I think they are called? I would love to keep them as a pet.
  14. The national Aquarium is awesome. I love the pirrahas and the large aisan fish biotype. Have you seen the all the large plecos that live with aligater? Where in the south island are you moving?
  15. 75 gallons is 285 litres
  16. And fish keeping all together isnt a total waste of money? :lol:
  17. Vey interesting experiment on Artificial selection. http://mutatingpictures.com/ found it on wikipedia when searching up selective breeding.
  18. OMG crocadiles are the most boring animal ever. All they dois just sit there very still. I went to Australia zoo and they have about a million enclosures for them and they hardley move at all, to the point were a small lizard walked over one and it had no reaction. They are overrated in my view. I am pretty sure it is an alagater at the national aquarium, it lives with rainbow fish, plecos and a giant danio I think.
  19. yes in america there are hardly any tank FW or SW that arent all in one systems. They are so cheap too.
  20. Tommorow I am going angel shopping so what do you look for when buying them. What is cheap and what is good quality. What is the difference between kois and marbles with orange? what should the fins be like?
  22. I heard in science yesterday that when you wash your hair with harder water it makes more suds and take longer to rinse them out. Could this possibly be used insted of a test kit?
  23. cant my java is stuffed it just says this when I try it. wait it nows works for some reason see you there
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