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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. you can say trademe all you like you just cant post links to your auctions I think
  2. lol you look closely, but why?
  3. awesome tank but seen before on another forum. Like how he taps the tank to signal feeding time to the fish.
  4. Thanks I got the gravel free from the local park. I am planning to add: angels cories more lemons and maybe some gouramies or small cichlids.
  5. Finally after much wait (after filter trouble) here are pics of my tank. I have decided on lemon tetras. Main shot of the tank More close up of tank The lemons schooling My rock work, made from river stones. More updates as they come.
  6. dunedin, but Ethans says there are plently of fishkeepers in Queenstown as he has sold alot of his kribs in the newspaper.
  7. discus need to be kept in schools dont hey?
  8. example you coul keep 1 neon in 20 litres maybe but you could keep 5 in 38 litres. see what I mean
  9. do you mean how big tank you would need to keep 1 discus or how many could you fit it lets say 300 litres?
  10. well most class rooms look like big boxes lol
  11. not as kool as the turtle with a head on each end though :lol:
  12. how does the national aquarium heat thier asian bioype and croc tanks they are open top?
  13. Welcome, Festivums are awesome
  14. Cam what type of rocks are they and where did you get them?
  15. 15000 litres hmmm that would need 22500 watts of heater to heat it at least. so you would need 75 300 watt heaters if you wanted to do it that say. :lol:
  16. I retested the PH and It came up 7.8 so thats good.
  17. the tank is emty apart from gravel the heater, a few rocks (tested) and the gravel (tested) I will go do the tests again right now.
  18. Last night I was just casually checking the PH in my new tank so it's ready for fish on monday. Well it showed up as 8.4!!! I imedietly went and test the tap water 6.8. I thought it must be the gravel so got a sample of the gravel and did the viniger test, No bubbles not one. This tank is going to be a angels, tetras, corys tank so I dont really want it to be that high. The tank has been sitting empty for about a week. Does anyone know what could have caused this? How do I lower it with out adding chemicals or putting a hell of alot of driftwood in it?
  19. I might possiblely take one of your angels at a later date like in 4 weeks or so?
  20. dam only the planted one, I am looking for a black background too. Have you tried the shop that sells goldfish on gorge road?
  21. at least its not dragonfly larvae, did a quick google image search to refresh my memory and does not match your description
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