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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. update: the GBA has been moved, I am going to buy liquid ferts on saturady when I get some more fish, I will get the ones that dont contain any nitrate or phosthate to only help the plants. Was looking at the tank and saw what look likes hair alage on the plants.
  2. are those discus in with them?
  3. dam do they need a heated tank as fry? And do you feed the same as fry from other fish?
  4. the internet is the internet is a communist nightmare, The ultimate icon for free speech
  5. I really the Australe golds. Can you buy them as eggs and do you need a another tank to hatch them?
  6. should I move my GBA from the other tank in there then? on should I buy some liquid ferts to help the plants grow so hopefully they will outcompete the algae?
  7. I have noticed on American forum that get so angry about bettas being kept in small tank or bowls. Funny to see the difference in different countrys. Also on here we do have a lot more people doing interesting things with there tanks and doing alot more DIY.
  8. I havent got around to getting a timer yet and will soon but I would guess maybe 12-13 hours which I will reduce when I get a timer.
  9. I just looked at my new tank and part of the gravel and the rocks are covered in brown algae. It is planted so I did not expect it. I know new tanks are prone to brown algae and it will clear up eventually but is there a way to fix it now?
  10. GBAs would be my prefered option as thier bright yellow is like Africans.
  11. would like 4 or 5 more lemons be ok or would that be too many?
  12. What is a good killie fish to start with?. And can any live in a community tank?
  13. I am thinking I might add 2 angels or should I wait
  14. My tank is a 110 litre that has been set up for 1 week. I has 2 zebra danios, 5 lemon tetras and lot of dwarf sag, hygro and ludwiga repens. It has some filter media form my old tank to help cycle and has had 2 40% or so waterchanges in that time. I have been testing the the nitrite and ammonia daily and from the start it never had any ammonia and the nitrite has never got above 0.5. What does this mean and how long do you think it will take to cycle?
  15. congo tetras? or tiger barbs or a similer sized barb.
  16. wow great set up. Are you going to breed comercially or something? What is going to be used for lighting the tanks?
  17. tank looks great but still needs a background, that is one awesome aro you got there. What else is going in the tank? A school of large non plant eating barbs would look good.
  18. i have peppered corys in one tank and want to get some sterbai, pygmy or more peppered for my other tank. I would like a nice light yellow sand.
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