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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. ditto that. Many Many Thanks to all involved Navarre
  2. Their money hasnt been used on food It was used to cover up how many birds they actually killed whilst tring to relocate 150 kakariki in the Auckland Harbour last week Pffft Naturalism to the exclusion of all else....NZ a work in progress Rediculous Nav
  3. Or one of those great big 18ft anaconda. Nice big green one small pigs for breakfast big Hmmm Navarre
  4. Nah mate cant call him a coaster as he wasnt born there. LOl I am form Greymouth mate and that was ...well ..interesting..family has been there for 5 generations...lol Yeah the Pu pub is good and watching out for the feral local is good advice..esp in Hoki. Hell when I go home I double the gene pool and I was born there...lol Cool place to get natives tho. Pity no pet shops of worth....no offense meant and if you get to teh other side of the hill look us up and I can help you wif plants and such Navarre
  5. Nice photos dude. Very Nice. Well done. Good luck with fronts. Navarre
  6. hmm I have several royal plecs and a BIG school of them would be impresive anti theft device = boerbull even more impresive than schooling fish...lol look them up...Veeeeeerrrrrryy Niiiccce Nav
  7. Lace Monitor Blue Iguana Xmas Fulu White Shark..oh no they are here all ready sorry....well need a bigger boat tho. Boerbul Highland silverback Gallapoise tort and marine iggies Haast eagle (sorry dead) snow leopard et al et al
  8. and salt=salary togas fondue coins walls war dominations fiddles when in rome... Nose's and then the post is hijacked or is that assasainated, Cleo? Marc Antony? Cesar? Anyone? :lol:
  9. Hi There, I have to say that I thought it was illeagal to keep a possum as a pet as they are classified as a noxious pet. You do need a permit. In saying that try contacting Naturelands or Willowbank Wildlife park. They may be able to help you out. HTH Navarre
  10. Navarre


    welcome aboard. Some advice tho... Take your time. We dont know what fish you have type or set up of tank. sounds tho ur doing ok with the breeding tho. do you have an outlet for the bubs? Welcome look around there are many peps here who can more than help you out Navarre
  11. Thanks all. LOL at 15 degs on a warm day...thats the difference between a cold Christchurch and the NI. I guess. Thanks again. Navarre
  12. So its been cold of late....and thinking I was doing the right thing I thought I would add an extra heater to the tanks to help keep water temp up over night. This works fine if you also remember to plug those heaters back in once all the changes in tank have been made. Otherwise your tanks get even colder. This is what I learnt today. So remember to check double check and triple check those plugs and switches. Lost 6 200mm pinochio whiptails just starting to spawn Colony (30 or so) of BN's Colony of N brichardi Colony of Lionheads Guppies so at market prcies down here about $700-800 worth of fish I guess. hth Navarre
  13. Sorry to hear what happened Loopy. If I can help with any fish or anything please let me know. Navarre
  14. LOL I asked then teh same question about 6 weeks ago re a few types of reptiles that are already here including Leopard geckos and they said that they will not be issuing any new permits to import to any private collectors in the foreseeable future Navarre
  15. What do I do for income...not enuff apparantly...lol Congrats carznkats!!! fish fingers what does a clean up artist do? Navarre
  16. Never enuff and always always to much Navarre
  17. used a 2 1/2x 2 ft tank 2 heaters ( I have had one fail in the past and lost about 20 fish) had 10 discus and got them at about 4-5cm they put size on quickly and are now about 12-15 cm across body. Still have 1 small one though that started out as runt of group and is still smallest but is the boss now. Def. holds his own. HTH Navarre
  18. I am not an expert on flatfish but this is what I did. Brought extra Biggest tank I had spare 28-30 degs pre heated water changes feed min 4 times a day with all sorts of stuff 50% water change evey day or every second day at most internal sponge filter BBT no other fish. HTH Navarre
  19. Yup safe to eat Rabbits out of an area with RCD. Best though in my opinon to check and if animal has sores or looks sick then dont. But general rule of thumb down here is if its healthy enuff for you to see it to shoot it then its healthy enuff to eat it. HTH Navarre
  20. Makes my Synodontis Angelicus look a little plain. As for shovlenose I can remember a LFS here haveing several a few years ago but I cant remember if they had the stripes like that. They were what i would call cheap now but then I think they were a little steep for me which is why I didnt buy any then. LOL trust OoA to have something like that...well done man...well done. Navarre
  21. Navarre

    Tropheus dubosi

    Hi There, I have kept these guys in the past and breed the odd mouthfull as well. I would suggest that that size tank would be ok for the fry but not for that many adults. They are supprisingly big fish and need their space. They also need reasonably good water quality so I have to say the bigger the tank the better. Redwood always had nce Tropheus and often can get a few different vareties. Well thats how it was for me anyway. HTH. Navarre
  22. Do you think the quality is suffering because of the import ban is making people cross breed to keep the"lines" going? Will happen to us all eventually I guess. Thanks Comrade Clarke!
  23. Those Zaire Blue chaps look nice tho eh? Navarre
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