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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. Thanks for that. Just water change as normal? and double dose for how long? Thanks for your replies Navarre
  2. Hi There, I have a 350l Heavily planted tank with a few discus and blue rams. Has been up and running for about 12mths with Daltons mix under fine gravel and under gravel heater. I have injected C02 and great growth. However I have developed BBA over the last few weeks and am thinking of dosing with Flourish excel. Any Suggestions on dosing and on time frame. Also do I change my water changing routine. I have not changed feeding routine nor have any fish died in the corner that I havent found....lol My water comes from my own well and I thought that with all this weather that the water may have changed but does not seem to be much different to about 10 mths ago when I last tested. Any Advice always welcomed. Many Thanks Navarre
  3. Hi Guys, These are all great ideas. Mark apart from the obvious dollars, what else do you need? Do you have an addy we can send stuff to? Happy to help but what is it best that you need help with Navarre Ps Ill look after your reptiles for ya if you like...no charge LOl
  4. Si, your male takeaguess looks more like a male afra than a takeaguess. Navarre
  5. Depends on what you want to catch. A good days fun is to hire a charter like Mainland Fishing Adventures and go sea fishing...notthe cheapest but certainly more fish than you can shake a stick at. If you wnat trout or salmon then you need a licence and some people even get a guide. Waimak is in flood at moment so best talk to a local fishing club and go from there. HTH Navarre
  6. Some observations (1) She didnt look like that when she lived in Christchurch (2) Walking is a highly regarded from of exercise and relaxation and it is now also apparently good for the enviroment (3) Stalking is only Walking ....with a purpose (4) After Mathew Ridge...would you go there....I wouldnt. (5) Thoughts nice tho Now I am as sad as the Rest of You Navarre
  7. I was lost a sea once Spent nearly 4 hours in the water traveled nearly 10 nautical miles in a straight line....we didnt go in a straight line tho. Didnt see any lice or sharks....bloody cold...lucky I had a dry suit on I say. Navarre
  8. First one looks like a juvi Melanochromis takeaguess (as listed by MarkLb) Navarre
  9. You can buy the bigger cyclinders or I have seen some people set their systems up on sodastream bottles. This works well as they are cheep last a long time and swap out when you get refills so you dont need to recert teh bottle. In saying that I have a large 2nd hand cyclinder that I have had for years and it just keeps on going...I guess because you only use a litle at a time. HTH Navarre
  10. With the light/fridge thing dont you have to be worried about temp gradient? I know that means you can get both sexes but in this weather makes it an inexact science..? Navarre
  11. Sump Pros- increased volume, hides all the "extras". easy access (usually), increased airation of water, can add remove filtration at will Cons- drilling tank, noise, evaporation, plumbing, have to make it Canister Pros-plug"n"play cost big surface are quiet(er) Cons- cost, plumbing, cleaning, size vs flow(may need power heads as well) More I am sure but just a start. I use both but prefer sumps. You can come and have a look if you like Navarre
  12. Hi Cichlid7 Same offer as loopy Navarre
  13. Hi Vince, I used to have a stainless steel tank ( its now in Grey at a mates house and he uses it for his water changes,but you could use a plastic tank) to collect water of my roof. I was lucky to have a shed with a good roof...no rust and no chimney and no leaves... that I just plumbed the tank into the spouting. Maybe you could do the same. Then you dont have to worry so much about the tannins, the clay pan and ground water contaminants. I used to take water from a creek near my house but found even tho 7 or 8 kms from mouth of the grey was salt contaminated. Great for collecting Natives in Tho....lol Just a thought but HTH Navarre
  14. Hmmm Tanks a bit small for all that Si. Luelupi are nice or the Julies, Brichardi are very nice as well...lol Could look at a few things but best to stick to smaller less territorial fish in a tank that size....Panduros are nice fish as are Cockatoos etc etc. Wouldnt do the Rams if you want Rockscape tho. Another thing to consider is the footprint rather than liters..maybe Lionheads? HTH Navarre
  15. Navarre


    Welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for. You could start by looking on the net at different set up s and finding out what type of fish you like vs. what are available in your area? Or you could contact your local club and have a talk to them Navarre
  16. Hi Aquatopia, I think there is a BinInn in Ferry Road near the Bridge before you go on the Sumner Causeway but there is efinately one in Stanmore Road just past Butlers on teh Left. HTH Navarre
  17. Navarre

    Breeding setups

    Hi all, I havent got killies ( some might say ....yet) :lol: But I HAVE just met Barrie (qudos for those fish Barrie) And as much as I love chinese food and fish the thought of Barrie in a flower girl outfit is enuff to make me loose both my appitite and the desire to breed anything.... let alone killies Thanks Wok. Navarre
  18. I like Simian's suggestion better. Wonder what his wife looks like? hmmmmm? Does she travel well? lol Navarre
  19. It was no problem Actually I have been DYING to see Johannes et all set up and to tell the truth it was well worth it. I hope they feel the same. LOL Ryan...great to see you havent lost that optimist streak...lol I was pleased to be able to help. It was easily a case of pay it forward. ALso thanks must go to Rebecca as well for the Taxi service on the Thursday. And we were luck to have a bit of an enviromentalist on the xray machine who was very interested in the fish...despite making me unpack both coller bags so everything coul be xrayed several times Hope the fish dont all get radiation poisoning. Will be travelling a lot soon so if anyone needs anything please say hullo Navarre
  20. Hi there, Rockerpeller is quite right quality every time. Thing is quality comes at a price. I use a king 4 to run my banks not that noisy as in my shed. Have a 250 l sump servicing 7 tanks and I still have to split the flow. Header hieght is about 2 m. Problem with pumps like this is having enuff water in the sump to forgive their "pull down" and then you have wicked flow in the tank and over your filter media. Which is not always ideal as its often nice to have slow flow over your media to optimise filtration. Anyway happy to recommend the king but is slighty noisy HTH Navarre
  21. Heading to Otria tomorrow with trailer so hope raods are ok then You should try the pies at sheffield about 10 mins further towards ChCh. Verryyy Nice Could have sorted you re some plants and fish. Navarre
  22. is all important. I had 20 in a 4x2x2. Heaps and heaps of rock and then some more. Aggresive litlte blighters were just fine until until some mentioned s.e.x. then it was war. Not sure if mix wasnt right or what. had then since spotties that were brought in from Redwood. held a few time in main tank. Dont have em now. Would again in an instant but need lotto to do that again. There is a chap down here who has succesfully kept and breed a pair. uses a devider unle it game time. Lifts devider they do the deed then seperates them out again. not my thing but works for him HTH Navarre
  23. Congrats, Well done on the spawn. Im looking forward to seeinghow many you get to free swim. Look like you ll be needing a whole lota foo soon....hmmm. Good luck Navarre
  24. Yeah sorry LA, Was supposed to be a reply to your post re Takahe. Not a new one if mods want to shift please feel free. you know soon the Possums in this country will be cathing TB from our cattle
  25. You can run cable either undergravel, or under tank and get better heating than a submerible heater and it uses less power than a heater. Good for banks of tanks or large tanks Wish I had done this in my fish area and when I do a room proper may be the way I go. Navarre
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