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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. PM me your addy and Ill post some down Navarre
  2. You leave the size of my Tank out of this. Besides lifting is over rated Thats why the egyptians invented rollers and pulleys LOL Navarre
  3. Why didnt scalare take it. It would be a great backdrop to a fish room? To big for my piles tho. Navarre
  4. it would be easy as to move it to my place. LOL Navarre
  5. Navarre

    maths puzzle

    7 girls x 2 legs (14 legs) 7 backpacks x 7 big cats= 49x 4 legs (196 legs) 49x7 little cats =343x 4 legs (1372 legs) 14 + 196+1372 =1582 ohh bugger it whats the answer whats teh answer hullooo this ll bug me now ohhhhh
  6. Navarre

    maths puzzle

    I get 12154 But Im not the best at maths Navarre
  7. Heaps to choose from Apistos. Mollies Guppies Apistos Kribs other gouramis Swordtails angels how big is tank that has to be first thing to sort. HTH Navarre
  8. Lmao Didnt mean that to sound as snottie as it reads...lmao Sorry If you have any questions please ask Navarre
  9. Hi There, yes I show my guys. Breed the odd litter and am tied up with a few breed clubs. Ch means Champion and BIS means Best In Show. All my dogs are heart tested and hip scored prior to breeding cause this is a major health problem in Boxers. And can cause problems later in life for dogs and their owners. All are NZKC registered as well. Please let me know if you want to know any more. HTH Navarre
  10. Nice sized litter. Are the parents Heart Scored or Hip Tested? What are their Pedigrees? Here are some photos of a couple of my boys. Ch Boxton Duty Free Ch Boxton Groovey Baby BIS Navarre
  11. Hey ya puffer fish, Ask at Naturelands or give Willowbank a call. You do need a permit to keep Possums as they as classified as noxious. I would like to appologise if you have been offended but some of these people are actually pretending to be adults and therefore can own their own comments. However possoms are clasified as noxious for a reason. Sorry there arent more positive solutions to your problem. And BK when you do what I do for a living you soon learn to beleave in retrospective abortion and teh arila spraying of Prozac. Navarre
  12. Because I live in the boon-docks I have a resin filter that the water goes thru then into a storage tank thru to a mechanical filter and finally a UV chamber. My biggest problem is water temp. If I do a big change then I can drastically change water temps so I to tend to trickle big changes thru the sumps other wise just straight out the hose into the tank. A friend on the west coast uses a 400l drum/tank which he pre heats and then pumps water from the drum into his tank HTH Navarre
  13. No Fish as yet..old photos Now has 5 pigeon blood about 10-15cm 15 blue rams whiptails kuhli loaches sterbai (sp?)
  14. LOL Heaps but mostly of plants and insects and a few oiliphants. No more reptiles. Hotel was nextto a fish shop tho...only open at night. was size of a single car garage roller door on front an dsome wicked fish Tanks stacked to roof in the heat it was like walking into a shower with all the water falling of roof No Photos and I was never sure if they were there to look at or to eat..lol Navarre
  15. First time Ive posted photos so thought Id put up some of my Trip to KL Baby Bush Cobra..est 3 mths old about a meter long and man could it move fast. Thick as a mans finger and DEADLY Coach driver was a local who thought he knew it all and was playing with this till he was told it wasnt the grass snake he thought it was. Whitest Native I saw all trip. Next was a Bush Python ( dont know names just what the guys called it) Was born in park and was about 3 years old. They said it would easily double in size. Had they coolest colours on scales. Photos dont do it justice Was a great trip Navarre
  16. It depends on teh look you are going for Some people like them others dont. Generaly in a plant tank you dont have an airstone as that disturbs the water a lot degassing it. Plants generally do well in a tank with slower water movement and then the plants can use the gases in teh water rather than a filter removing them. But it depends on teh type of tank and plants you have. In my discus plant tank I have abig filter. In my guppy tank with plants I dont have any filter at all. HTH Navarre
  17. Look around. There are several down here at Redwoods. Good prices as well Albino, normal and another type as well I think Contact them and see if they will ship. LOL will probably still be cheeper than animates..lol HTH Navarre
  18. Another thing you can use to insulate your tank is some of that closed cell foam that sleeping/camping mats are made of. you can get it in diff thickness, it doesnt flake and is easy to cut and stick to your tank. Lights are tricky different times etc work for differnt tanks it really depends what you have in the tank. Maybe start with about 10 hours and go from there. The thing is that tanks will SLOWLY respond to changes so patience is a virtue. Maybe a pic of your tank would help? Also stock fish slowly to start with. Plant growth depends or Light and nutrients. Fish provide (in general) the nutirents so once again stocking levels do impact plant and algae growth. HTH Navarre
  19. Ahhhh Dude Man I bet you are SOOOO glad she takes after her mum. Eh? Navarre
  20. Thats the thing they just get better and better. Good luck and keep it up...MTS here we come...lol Navarre
  21. Very Nice Afrikan. I hope he is a true ladies man for you Navarre
  22. Didnt Shelly and Craig have some of these...or was it Calvus... Hmmm age its a wonderfull thing What did yousay yor name was again...lol Seriously I thought they had some feather fin? Navarre
  23. Well I think it kinda works like sex. Unless your catholic...sum is better than nun..lol. Sorry all no offense intended. Nav
  24. Well I have been looking at others tanks and often wondered how much their power costs etc. But never stopped to think just how much water we keep. So working on Tank volume and not counting displacement for object de art in the tanks I worked out I have close to 3500 l of water in my house. How many do you have? Navarre
  25. Well as many as I could but never as many as I want eh Johannes? I Finally got my Chocolate cichlid from Waaaaayyyyy up North and a few electra. Just to round things out. Kind feels a bit strange answer this Q. But no secrets really...lol And MANY thanks to Broms and Johannes and sorry to those that didnt get fish when my Boss mucked me around re trip dates. Navarre
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