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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. I fix the box makers if they get hurt or sick whilst making boxes or when they are not making boxes. Navarre
  2. Welcome. Great to see another North Canty member here. Good luck with teh fish Navarre
  3. 14 tanks of Fish 8 dogs with 2 litters on the way (NZKC registered Breeder) 1 cat (there by the Grace of God) pheasants Would love reptiles, Sea Horses, more fish, big cats, or even more fish :lol: and maybe even a few deer cause they taste nice. Navarre
  4. Discus Red Top Ice Blue Kadango (?sp) Geophagus Tropheus Melanachromis Alanocara (?sp) x4 species Lionheads Juli's Red Jewels Apistos Brichardi (?sp) thats about it I think...not as many as some more than others...lol Navarre
  5. Hey Criketman...good luck with the AI and Instructors Courses..hard work but worth every ounce of effort. Let me Know if you need a hand with any of teh Course work and make sure your skills are Sh*t Hot before you go. HTH Navarre
  6. Hi, Can recomend the diving. You could do a try dive at the big red dive shop in town before you go Matt. Costs $20 and you can do about an 1 to 11/2 hours at QE2 pool. Will not get you a dive over there but can help set you up for it. Another thing you can do is what is called a resort dive. or a scuba dive course. You can do these in Samoa and the resort dive is where you get the basics in shallow water and then go for a brief dive with a Dive Master or Instructor. Scuba Dive Course means you do more of the Padi Open Water Scuba Dive course and can dive deeper and a little more independantly. Shouldnt be as expensive as a full OW course and if you get your course details when you leave you can cross credit it to the full course back here in NZ. If you want info about stuff to do before you go then give me a PM and I can tell you about a few more things. HTH Navarre (Padi Master Scuba Diver Trainer)
  7. So I have to start this with " I dont have as much experience as some..." But here goes...lol I would suggest that you pick a type ..Ie Tang mumba etc. Then (or first) work out if you want a display type tank ie you could just put a few males together or a spieces tank with a couple of incompatable (breeding wise) spieces in it. Once you have done that you can work out what fish are available...have looked around Dunners a few times and Invercargill and woudl highly suggest a few people on here to get fish from or a trip up to ChCh. You could also ask the local stores to look at teh "fish list" and see if they will order in for you. I would be happy to bring fish down for you as well as I travel your way often. HTH Navarre
  8. I dont want to Hijack this thread but... Barrie...are your daughters single? LOL Sorry Nav
  9. Hi Ya Mrs Frog, Sorry to hear about yor son. I seem to remember you said you live near Havlock. So dont forget that Nelson has some established shops/traders in fish as well. And some of them also service the West Coast so that may be another option to look at for a market for your fish. My advice to you is start small and cheep and then go from there. You will get less mark up on these fish but they are a great learning curve and what they often lack in profit they make up for in volume. Also if a few are lost in the process then you are not so out of pocket. Research they fish you can keep in your type of water, tie that in with demand and transport options and go from there. Easiest is best and less hassle is better...lol...if you get what I mean. But if that were the case then I would have fish and no one would have wifes...or ex wifes for that matter (just joking) Good luck and I cant wait to see what you decide on HTH Navarre
  10. I had the same feeings last year about this time. I had a good job to go to and it made good sense to go. But. My current company enticed me to stay with promises of more money and better conditions. I stayed. Some conditons have been realised and some have not but now I still feel the same disatisfaction I did a year ago and I have to some extent priced myself out of the market. Especially here in the south island. So my advice is this... You should always do what is best for you, at the time. You should do what is in your heart, but do it in a way that makes you no lesser a person and that is ultimately honest and just. This makes it easier to do these things. And you can live with yourself in the "Morning". And also look around...Judge the time of year I mean if you are in a managers role or sales etc...wait till bonuses are paid etc...make it win win. And with out giving your hand away do ask for a raise better conditions etc first...look for that extra role where you are now...they may be waiting for you to ask for it? And if you are really unhappy doing what you do now...what is it that you really want to do cause in a few years you will be in the same situation only a few more years down the track. Once you have made your mind up about that this job might be ideal as a means to an end. To get you what you really really want. HTH Navarre
  11. You could try doing a water change every few days to get rid if excess nutrients in the water. Turning your photo period down (ie decrease your light time by a couple of hours a day) and increase circulation at the water surface. Any and/or all of these should help. HTH Navarre
  12. Hi Ya, I have plumbed several tanks now and have found that Mico (in Tuam I think) and Plumbling World pretty good. There are also Irrigation supply shops around town One near Bunnnings Tower Junction is good and they have hard and soft fittings. HTH Navarre
  13. Gravid is the term used for the production of eggs and a fetus humans are gravid. however production of live young in mammals is prima. therefore a mammal may be grava 3 prima 1, 2 or 3 depending on live births hth Navarre
  14. Oh Shiht Carznkats I am really sorry to hear you lost one of those guys. Hope the rest are going OK Do youthink you will be getting any more soon? Hint Hint. Did you have a look at where I suggested? Hope all those tanks going well. Red shoulders doing very well and colouring up nicely Navarre
  15. Lower styx near northwood Cam river new motorway or even near bridge in Kaiapoi Can river up near motorway (where all the crashes happen near kaiapoi/pineacres turn off) hth Navarre
  16. Would say that the 3 big Fire eels at redwoods would be that big easily. 2 together and one on its own. no whiitespot that could be seen feeding easily and freely swimming in tanks they also have spiney peacocks and tire tracks I think anout teh 10-12 cm mark..all looking good. HTH Navarre
  17. Navarre


    Hi There, You can buy stuff like this at the Water Garden I think or any other Garden centre. I think I got mine from Athol MCCullys in Columbo St up by Sydenham Park. Big Red Shed might have it cheaper. HTH Navarre
  18. Have to say I saw once a fish that I think was called a Scooter Blennie? Looked like a manderin fish but was coloured like a moth. Was a great character. Also dived with sharks...that was Fintastic...esp the Hamerheads. Navarre
  19. Our Fish doing well thanks Living Art. Male Coloring up nicely...about to come outa quarantine. Thanks for sending them down..... LOL you could put me on the list for these guys if they breed true...lol Man im Gona need more tanks...many many more tanks....lol
  20. Sorry guys I am away this week. Was looking forward to seeing you tank again carznkats. Hope everyone has a great time Navarre
  21. Sounds like classic new tank syndrome. This is where there are not enuff bacteria to control wastes etc in water so you get a micro algae bloom in the water....I think :lol: only clean your filters when flow starts to reduce or otherwise every couple of months do 1 water change of about 10-15% a week depending on stock levels You may have a bit of stuff coming of teh daltons but in my experience that soon reduces and is usually a scum on top of water that if left will settle quickly HTH Navarre
  22. So will next generation be Basil and Sybil?
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