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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. I agree with all the above posts however if you could get it for $500 it would be a bargain.
  2. Patience is a virtue. I reckon someone will be practically giving them away at some stage as they are prolific breeders. :spop:
  3. Kribs are a fantastic community fish, although they are African they prefer a PH of 7 ( tap water is 7.2 for most people )and Like most fish they will fight their corner when breeding.
  4. I agree, you have to be careful on trademe these days not only are some of the " BARGAINS" pricey but by the time you add freight costs they sometimes become more expensive than the real deal and in many cases without guarantees HMMMM! :facepalm: :dunno:
  5. I read somewhere that chlorine dissipates in 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. jim r

    Happy Birthday L.A.!

    About 18 months before I can escape Southland I think Mark, depends on how long it takes my son to qualify from SIT. If I leave sooner he would probably jack it in and follow. Southland is a beautiful part of the world but boy oh! boy the weather :facepalm: Drove home from Queenstown today through bitter cold gale force winds, snow storm, torrential rain, hailstones and even managed to see the fireball in the sky fleetingly while struggling with a heatwave that reached a dizzy 7 degrees while you were probably struggling to cope with 20 degrees :an!gry :sick: :slfg: A piping hot cup of tea in the really was appreciated.
  7. jim r

    Happy Birthday L.A.!

    Have you got enough puff to blow out all the candles? :yaw2: Happy birthday Mark.
  8. I just had a phone call from " Jennifer" telling me I had massive probs with people hacking into my computer. Almost got sucked in untill my wife started beating me about the head and telling me how stupid I was for listening to her. She was very believable and subtle, managed to get a phone number out of her and when I googled it turns out to be repair zone representing Microsoft. :oops:
  9. I had fish flown from Akl to Ivc last year it cost me $180.
  10. I have heaps if you want ( free)
  11. Although Guppies will survive in cooler temps I have noticed they are very slow growing and as pointed out in reality they are tropical. Weather loaches 22Degrees? Hillstream loach 23? Bluefin Killyfish 20? Barredtail pearlfish21? Blackfin pearl Killyfish 20?
  12. A set of 3 underwater lights with different colour shades. Approx. 50mm in diameter works off mains. Without going into the shop that is about all I know.
  13. I know a place in IVC that has a set of 3 for $50
  14. These charges were over and above all other fees which amounted to a grand total of $1750.
  15. That sounds like what has happened here.
  16. We recently sold a house, we had an offer which fell through and a back up offer to the successful sale. The lawyer has charged us $250 for the first and $250 for the second a total of $500 even though we had no contact with him. The selling agent says that she had to present the offers to the lawyer and that he has charged us for the work he did ( even though she has never heard of such a thing happening in the past ) neither have we and we have moved houses lots of times. Has anyone else had this experience?
  17. jim r

    White Poo

    maybe flagellates.
  18. It is a golden bristlenose, don't know if that makes any difference.
  19. jim r

    White Poo

    When you treated the fry did you treat the adults?
  20. Firstly your discus tank should be 30degrees secondly I have bristlenose in discus medicated tank at 32degrees without any apparent issues.
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