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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. I also have a 180cmx75cm high tank with 3 ordinary 20watt 1200 lumin, 2700 kelvin energy bulbs and their is more than enough light reaching the bottom of the tank which is also planted.
  2. jim r

    From cold to warm

    Hi Sandra and welcome, angel fish would eat your neons and baby fish and silver dollars grow quite large. It would be helpful if you add your location beside your avatar,I hope you enjoy your stay with us their are lots of knowledgable people willing to help on this site.
  3. My 240cm x 60cm x (35cm high) has 6 individual 5 watt led spots and my riccia is growing really well.
  4. seems reasonable for that size. Although second hand tanks do not have a very good resale value it would cost a lot more new from an aquarist shop.
  5. Mine goes straight onto the lawn.
  6. Age of aquariums, planet catfish,plantgeek, zebrapleco.com although not a member of any of the above I like to keep abreast of the times.
  7. Winter break ? Hailstones here today (bring your woolie undies) :slfg: :dunno:
  8. You could run a fine net through the water but be carefull you don't damage the plants.
  9. It looks like hair algae. Try using an old toothbrush and wind it round and round, tedious but effective.
  10. jim r

    Poor Smiley

    Tipical woman doesn't know what she wants! :digH: :gigl:
  11. If you are going to poke them you need to obtain a poking certificate in triplicate from our resident pointy stick officer. :gigl:
  12. insulating the tanks will make a huge difference. My power bills were over $600 a month now I have them down to under $300 by insulating and using led's and energy bulbs.
  13. catch mollies at tokaanu or guppies at golden springs [ so i have been told ] play golf at Wairaki resort ,bungy jump ,crazy golf.
  14. I have a couple of small sponge filters you can have electric or air, your choice? If you pm your address I will send Monday on overnight courier.
  15. You are so MEAN Wokanyway it turned up today. :bounce: :mbh: :happy1: :happy2:
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