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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. what fish could you replace the trout with ?
  2. jim r


    awesome tank but I would not sleep worrying about the discus. (im' jealous really)
  3. jim r

    newbie here

    Hi Shane, you will probably finds lots of answers and in return lose your sanity, welcome.
  4. Hi rockerpeller have fun.
  5. NZ Couriers do overnight delivery anywhere in the country, i.e. (Invercargill to Auckland) as long as they do not class it as a rural address. Also they will do Sat del for xtra 6$. If it goes astray they will special it to you no matter where but you MUST!!! keep note of the ticket no. cheers Jim
  6. Check out www.liveaquaria.com they have a compatibility chart. cheers Jim
  7. I had a similar problem with green water tried everything, lights, chems and water change after water change,in desperation I bought another filter and hey presto! no more probs. And boy do my fish swim fast. cheers jim.
  8. What about kribs? Some nice rocks covered in java moss would look neat and in no time you would have motive to get that new tank at any cost.
  9. Once new a discus nut who did his whole fish house in poly and ran off a thermostatically controlled generator, he claimed it saved him mega dollars.
  10. Nice photography,gorgeous fish and you had me going with the plants(in sand).
  11. There are some seriously nice fish here!!!
  12. Lovely pics of your firemouth fry. I think maybe he hid them in his mouth and if they do start to dissapear i would remove them pretty sharpish. Jim R.
  13. jim r

    new member

    Hi everyone stumbled on this excellent site earlier in the week must say Iam impressed with the content and apparent friendliness of the members.I have been in and out of the hobby since early 70s (discus discus and more discus) I did manage to breed them back then but strictly speaking I am still a novice. I hope to add content to the forum over time and have already learnt heaps from comments already made on this site.Thankyou Jim(Taupo).
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