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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. You need to talk to the landlord and explain the dificultly of the situation, hopefully he/she will be understanding. In my experience none communication creates bad feeling.
  2. jim r

    The What's Up? thread.

    If you pay for Saturday delivery you can insist on delivery as it is a contract.
  3. Still waiting for that one Paul :cofn: Probably went to Taupo. :facepalm:
  4. :mbh: :mbh: :mbh: :mbh: :mbh: :mbh: :mbh: The mail lady does love me after all. Thanks Caryl. :happy1: :happy2: :bounce:
  5. :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry
  6. Silica sand looks great I have it in 2 of my tanks. That said in my opinion silica sand and plants do not go well together. It gets dirty quick and needs stirring from time to time to look clean, never had problems with gasses but when you buy it by the bag from source you lose approx. 30% from washing to stop it from being sucked into your filter.
  7. Hi, my name is Jim and very interested in forming a club however I do not know you so please feel free to introduce yourself.
  8. They should be fine but not sure where neon tetra came into the post ?
  9. 10 years is a good average.
  10. As promised, Frontosa tank 6.8,catfish tank 6.0 (heaps of driftwood), storage tank 7.0, HTH.
  11. He doesn,t need to my back fence leads to Glengarry ( if it is still there). :slfg: :facepalm:
  12. I have only lived here 2 years (Tay Street) but Ph tests I have done in the past were always around 7.2 dropping to about 6.8 overnight. Tomorrow night I will check my storage water (1000L) and post result.
  13. Depends what you got in the tank :slfg:
  14. Leave them 24 hrs and retest.
  15. Tap water in Invercargill is 7.2 and drops to just under 7 so shouldn't need to add anything unless you have a different water source.
  16. There are "good "and "bad" areas in all towns and cities a lot depends on your price bracket wether renting or buying I suggest you come take a look first, when I moved here 2 years ago most people suggested I buy North of Tay St. But price wise there are some nice houses in South Side. Weather wise not many people have BBQ'S and even fewer have swimming pools and oh yes, not many bikinis on the beach. :slfg: :gigl: :rotf:
  17. I would not recommend plants with silica sand as it gets dirty and you have to stir it up to keep it clean looking. I washed mine thorougly to get rid of the lighter particles and what is left poses no problems. At $5 for 20kg bag minus 30% after washing it is pretty inexpensive.
  18. Total height of pump is 500mm. Pipes are 30mm diameter. ( length of pipes depends on position of pump )
  19. 400mm dia. x 400mm high + 100mm for fittings, pipes 30mm dia.
  20. The last time Hollywood's had Zebra's they were priced at $1,000 each.
  21. :bounce: :happy2: :thup: and thankyou guys. It brings home the amount of effort that goes in behind the scenes.
  22. My postie will be reading her obituary if she does not deliver SOOOOOON! :an!gry :slfg:
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