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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Don't disagree here.. Definately would go with the fan option, would never consider any other way if I had a problem with overheated tank due to weather.. It's good to know for future reference And thanks to you Ozzie blokes for the info 8) And yes that includes you to Frenchy, you transformer! :lol:
  2. Awesome Gannet Looking forward to the set up process
  3. A Southerly might get them going to Wok Do you have them in soft water?
  4. The spawnings I got, I did water changes and pumped live food (earth worms) through them, also soft water They can be a very highly agressive cichlid, placid with others, but the males have been known to kill their females throughtout the spawning process. I had my male try to kill her the once, turned my back for 30 mins and came back inside and found her bashed up.. Sometimes a divider is needed for breeding, however, I haven't had to so far, I just took the female out to patch her and he accepted her back again without agression. Both times of spawning they have spawned on a terracotta pot, they don't seem to like the slate. (however that could just be my pair)
  5. I usually trigger mine, well that's how it has been in the past with my two, have since lent my breeding pair out to a friend to see if he can get them going, still no luck There were two more pairs of Chocs around these parts and they have never done anything either... They actually aren't classed as "easy" to breed. How big are they now Wok? It's been how long since you got them off me? Time flies :lol:
  6. Oh awesome I have a breeding pair of these guys.. bred for me and had great success.. they often lip lock before spawning... a southerly or a good water change gets these guys ticking with spawning, or change of tank has done the trick.. Be careful!!! The male will bash the heck out of her, so keep an eye, they can turn real nasty at a flick of a switch...
  7. Oh standard Fluro fitting... Sorry I thought you meant light hoods :oops: :lol:
  8. There are 5ft fittings.... Petware put them out.. but they come with 4 foot bulbs... Not sure what else is out there?
  9. Are you meaning the fitting?
  10. 4 Otos would do ok Water quality is a must tho, like nice clean water, regular water changes, and they do like current. Borneos are good, however, they do prefer cooler waters.. between 18-24 degrees, they seem to be shorter lived in warmer conditions Such cute little critters But I wouldn't put them in a tank with warmer conditions, it's hardly fair :-? I have heard they are ok around 26 but a few people I know have lost them after a while. Our planted tank is 4ft and we don't have too much problem with algae.. apart from that dusty brown algae that settles on older leaves.. however the Otos seems to help that!
  11. Yeap they do prefer groups We have a group of 8
  12. Thanks for that Wok, what is on the front cover??, sometimes the suppliers send in different copies..
  13. I had one WCMM wipe out 5 others, however, possibly your one is just displaying Might pay to keep an eye...
  14. Or the typical... Zebra...??? Would love to get some really NICE stock of these if anyone has any btw? :lol: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/profiles/profile44.html
  15. Johannes we were not being rude over your fish, we just clearly stated that it looked like a Hybrid and I am sorry if this has offended you, but after all, you did put the pics up to show... and I am sorry but even the fish out in the net doesn't look like a 100% Kadango... and unless the LFS person deals and keeps Africans themselves, I wouldn't go on their advice, I have only just started keeping Kadango (still young) got them from a great source in Welly... so I don't know too much about them, but with going at what I see... it's the fact you have maybe ended up with something that is meant to be Kadango but in turn has ended up a Peacock/Kadango cross.... We are not out to get you, we are here to help and it is unfair you are shouting at us over this thread... :-?
  16. I'm still seeing hybrid in that pic (of your fish), I am still seeing slight peacockish look... :oops: is there a possibility it is a Kadango/Peacock cross, as in the origin of the fish? Frenchy is right the orange/yellow edging on the anal fin would the be the big question??
  17. I had a big beautiful banana plant, they are just awesome, till a Bristlenose decided to climb the bean stalk with his nashers!!!
  18. Yeap some Bristles will touch the plants, we were only discussing this the other day on another thread, some are more plant hungry than algae hungry, I am trialing some back in planted tank, (GBAs) which were fair little devils when it came to my plants esecially Cabomba and Swords :lol: Time will tell! Oto's are awesome and SAE to.. I find the Otos really busy little beavers... Keep in mind with Borneo Suckers... they are a fish that prefers cooler water, they are much longer lived and that is their preferred conditions. They actually like between 18-24 temp, I found this out when I bought mine.. made sure I had a read up and a lady prior had been telling me that when she was getting them they were dying in her tank (nothing else was, tank was fine) I think temp may have been one of the reasons they expired sooner rather than later :-? Here is a link: http://www.aqualandpetsplus.com/Oddball,%20Borneo%20Sucker.htm
  19. Looks like a Hybrid I think, I can still see peacock likeness in first pic.. and the second pic the head looks so much more pronounced, they totally look like different fish... Amazing And yeah it was Billaney peacock and kadango that were sharing the same woman :lol:
  20. Is he something to be scared of Frenchy? :lol: :lol:
  21. Wow that fish looks so different to the first male posted..
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