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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. They are definately settling in and yeah with what Brads friend said is right.. funny thing, our Malawi tank is in our bedroom, if any of my household go into the room they race up to the tank "gimme gimme gimme" :lol: but if a newbie steps into the room to take a look at our set up, all race into the rock work... They are not silly :lol:
  2. Yeap, they almost have a kind of pearled look...
  3. Phew.. I thought it may have been Frenchy, I had said to Ryan on MSN, that fish in the middle screams Peacock to me, but I just didn't want to say anything :oops: The first female has a far higher head and the body to me seems fuller?...than the last female. And yes I hollered from afar.. :lol:
  4. Tsk Tsk Rogan :lol: How are your Kribs? There are some nice little Apistos out there.. and yes we have a Keyhole in our Geo tank and what a moody sulky sod he is :lol: :lol:
  5. I think you are meaning African Cichlids... not all cichlids require hard water and not all cichlids are aggressive. Bolivian Butterflys and Blue Rams are fine We used to keep them in a tank with guppies, neons etc, never a problem. The only time Bolivians are a pain is if you have a pair and they get territorial with breeding ground etc, but then that goes with most cichlids if you are housing pairs.
  6. Neat pic, amazing how fast those Demasoni grow.. oh I can see the face of the smudge! :lol:
  7. I have 6 small Kadango that we purchased a wee while ago to grow on and it would neat to hear back about the ones available here... I came across a link and I was wondering if these are infact the same fish as we have? http://www.malawicichlidhomepage.com/haps/copadichromis_borleyi_kadango.html In the pics from the site above, the fish fins and tail are totally blue, he has a deep body and his face is more so blunt and rounded.. those were the differences I noticed than the fish above on this thread? Some feedback would be awesome, so we could at least know if ours are a different strain or...??
  8. Bolivian Butterfly Cichlids? They are nice.
  9. Arrrrrrgh yikes I forgot to post pic, I will post it tomorrow Just realised the time I have found the Frons to be very hardy, so far so good The right water requirements, filtration and heaps of tucker and they are happy as larry
  10. So glad he is ok I bet that was a real mission and a little scarey really... That happened to one I know of, they lifted the the big lid on the Aro tank and the Aro shot out of the top of the tank within minutes and hit the front of the marine tank across the aisle.. He must have had his eye on one of the damsels for lunch.. :roll: :lol: :lol:
  11. We used to have 3 huge Discus boys live with Neon Tetras, even when they got to 15 cm plus, they never touched the Neons Too well fed me thinks.. :roll: :lol:
  12. Yeah the Geos sounds good Then you can upgrade when they get bigger :lol: Before you say anything Shhh Rogan In all seriousness tho.. I agree with the guys, a group is good.... around 6 is a good start up.. (We used to keep Discus also)...
  13. Afrikan

    i saw a fish

    I would make sure you have more rock than anything else because they go looking for trouble, it's not a case of, "oh I see you, I will crack you" it is more a case of "I'm on the prowl" :lol: :lol: And when a couple pair up in the tank, it's a case of remove tank mates otherwise you will find floaters more than likely :-?
  14. Afrikan

    i saw a fish

    The only reason I got away with keeping them with others short term is because they were in a HUGE tank.. anyone getting them, beware they are pitbulls of the fish world Sorry to hear you lost your 2 janine, you must have been gutted.
  15. Afrikan

    i saw a fish

    I wouldn't suggest they go in with much, I had my 6 in the 8fter for short term basis and what little terrors!!!! They will wreak havoc if you allow them to :lol: :lol: Once fished out, I could almost hear a sigh of relief from the others :lol: Definately a single species tank, there is alot of info on net suggesting the same... also they need a heavily rocked tank for territories and hiding from one another.
  16. Afrikan

    i saw a fish

    Five-bar Cichlid Neolamprologus tretocephalus They have recently come back into NZ, I had 6 but I recently sold them. They are from Lake Tanganyika, and very aggressive. http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Neolamprologus_tretocephalus.html
  17. Ummmmm calling Frenchy.. :lol: :lol: I am so not up on the play with anything Kadangoish, so would be an awesome learning curve for me :lol:
  18. Umm yikes, that middle fish doesn't look like a Kandango to me.. anyone else?
  19. Afrikan


    Do you use a place like photobucket? (free site on the net) You can download your pics onto there, and each image you have on there has it's own link that you can paste into forums etc... So you copy the image link and paste it into your poste here
  20. Sorry to hear you have lost a few more Faran, here's hoping that's the end of the road for losses!!! They are looking awesome tho!
  21. Afrikan


    Welcome Brittany You will love this site.. Sorry to hear that your fish are dying? Did you run the tank in before you added your fish??? Do you have a good LFS (local fish store) in your area? Mekhaela
  22. I think the illegal Giant Val that you can get would blitz mine for length :lol:
  23. I don't think mine is the illegal type that you are referring to Mystic, there are a heap of different strains of Vallis.
  24. We have ours in an 8ft tank, around 900 litres. We use Aragonite for substrate.. well rocked.. Vallis does well with the high ph, we have a Giant type Vallis in our set up. We have 2 x 2400 Aquis external canister filters running on the tank, a good filtration is a must (however, that goes for most things) Will post a pic over later on today, our Frons are still young, so tank is nowhere near what it will be once they grow, we will be landscaping it properly then.
  25. Hiya Shell and glad to see ya back on the forums
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