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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Looks like Warren is in 2nd place so far :lol:
  2. Got a link or pic? Haven't heard of them... anyone else?
  3. I can believe that KA.. these little African fry can be just as frustrating :lol:
  4. Gee those men really need to leave things alone... :lol: Two hours to catch 5 fish, crikey I am afraid I would be losing my cool by that stage :lol: Not at the fish, at the BF :lol:
  5. Phew you have taken the heat off me Brad.. YOU WIN :lol: :lol:
  6. I think you are right Caryl, we are banking on catching some (well you guys will be, I will be supervising at the top) :lol: , but it doesn't mean we will definately get any :lol: I think we have to catch some first and go from there :lol:
  7. A 700 plus litre tank blow out in the early hours of the morning stripped our linen cupboard bare.. :lol:
  8. I haven't done that either.. but welcome to the world of fish keeping :lol: :lol: And oh noooooo Spidersweb, the old grab a rock thing to hold the syphon... I have been guilty of that one, but luckily got away with no smashed results.. :roll: :lol:
  9. Apparently there is some riot or war that is happening up on the bank... we already have our teams picked, pushing and shoving and nasty guerilla tactics the plan of action... by the time that is all over, we might have just scared all the mollies away.. so there may not be be any up for grabs :lol:
  10. That's strange, it has worked the opposite way around for me :lol:
  11. Oh awesome, I have both also, but I find that the Maleri are much more laid back than the Transcriptus.. one tank is alot quieter than the other that is for sure :lol:
  12. Hi Tropheus I do have a camera but it's not overly the best for pics... :-? I am going to have to invest in another one, thats decent enough for good pics.. or maybe is it me on the end of it? :lol: The J. Marleri are gorgeous to I have some Rubins and I managed to get an OK pic of him earlier, so I will post it to you to see if he matches up to your boys.. he also came in recently from the same lot you possibly have? Would be interested to see what you think of the Yellows I have... they are turning into handsome boys.. will have to try to get the best pics out of a whole bunch I think..
  13. Chick a lids... :lol: The amount of people that still to this day ask for Chick a lids.. I know of a russian guy who calls them that, and no matter how often you pronounce the word as it should be said, he still insists they are Chick a lids.. :lol:
  14. I wasn't getting riled up OOA, I don't consider myself a dreamer at all, so I am not offended as such, it was hard to know who or whos that comment was directed at.. I think everyone strives with what they have, its just some have access to things more so than others.. we can only work with what we are able to source BTW I am a dudette, the other half is a DUDE :lol:
  15. I have purchased many a fish in large numbers.. to try and obtain decent from what is brought in, but you know at the end of the day... It comes down to you can only spend as much money as you HAVE I commend you on your efforts.. as is everyone else no doubt does, BUT we are all not dreamers.. that's a bit unfair...
  16. I am sure you do Mr Jury!!! :lol: I shall keep that in mind at all times
  17. Awesome stuff!! Keep us posted I have a pair look promising, just hollowed out their little cave more of substrate :roll: :lol: Fingers crossed they do something maybe, but I am running out of grow out space :lol:
  18. I realised that I just thought if you majorly get stuck for heat pack side of things, I could post you one up
  19. Hiya Your LFS at times has spare boxes to give out, depending on how generous they are :lol: They also have the heat packs to which are often re usables, you could enquire about those... I get mine from where my hubby works.. so maybe you could go and sweet talk someone at your LFS for some PM me if you get majorly stuck. You can get round cornered bags, Aqua One do those, and they are good. And depending on your location, depends on how good couriers are. We use Poste Haste here in Napier, they have been great here. Others use other firms.. I think it is a case of finding out what works for each area Good Luck!
  20. Hmm No... but now you mention it... it never had crossed my mind... I can't answer that till I compare the two :lol: Hmmm I will have to take the test... I have a Geo with big enough lips so I shall have to compare, I am worried however, if the Geo ends up being a better kisser... I might have to get a divorce, it would seem I had then have married the wrong creature 8)
  21. Oh yes Alan, very much so :lol: 8)
  22. It is hot in the Bay aye Rozki and Napier was hotter than Hastings yesterday, however, I am a fan of heat! So I don't get effected :lol: I have never had a prob with too much heat in our tanks (touch wood) Won't say I never will have :lol:
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