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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Um once again, they can be fairly agressive aswell, they are another loach that are best suited to more of an semi agressive tank.. We used to have one and he was beautiful but definately not for more of a peaceful communal setting... http://pages.prodigy.net/rahill0/species/tiger.html
  2. Sounds good Definately better than adding Paradise into the mix :lol: :lol:
  3. Horas aka Skunk Loaches eat snails. Be aware tho, they can be very territorial and aggressive also they can nibble on fins. I have also seen these little devils in action before at a LFS ages ago :lol: Here is a link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuhikotakia_morleti
  4. Ahhhhhh you are doing asian theme Sorry my bad :oops: Golden Algae Eaters.. I used to have two ages ago now, and they would damage my sword plants something chronic :lol: After sucking on a leaf, the leaf after a while starts to thin out and perish :lol: Definately not a fan of the things, cute but pain in the butt attitude.. Bettas, Barbs, Loaches and Gouramis are fine And Harlequin Rasboras are beautiful.. you will love them!
  5. How about Bristlenoses? Or small fancy Plecs, I have two species of fancy plecs that don't touch plants
  6. Watch the Barbs, kept in large schools they normally keep themselves but there is always a chance other fish could get the odd find nip, especially a betta male with all his fancy finnage Paradise fish can be very aggressive, I would pass up on those, we keep rather a few of them, inside and out, I find they are far more active and aggressive in warmer conditions. And Golden Algae Eaters can be a real pain in the butt when they are older.. very territorial, so just keep that in mind JMO
  7. I run an external on my bigger Aqua One tank simply because of the fact I have Jurupari and Suris.. who are forever sifting the fine substrate. I think an external is definately a personal choice, I have one because I like the fact that A) it is extra filtration (and I personally think you can never have too much filtration) and B) If the pump fails on the trickle system then I have my canister to fall back on. Gannet, aren't you running one of those Aquis filters on your one? If so, the hosing is 25mm, so it must work fine for that huh
  8. TV crew is a must :lol: 8) :lol: :lol: I just got your email 8) :lol: Fishy_Lips said he will call the lady and organise to pick it up for you
  9. We may aswell contact the newspapers now Caryl to inform them of our victory.. :lol:
  10. Afrikan

    Angel Fry

    We saw this pair (parents) in the weekend and what beautiful chunky solid parents they are To anyone looking for handsome angels... Definately worth while getting some of these fry when they are ready..
  11. Good thinking Caryl, I might have to hook up my 350 Chev motor.. :lol: Sounds like Wok might need a good jog around the lake in order to get conditioned for this attack... I might have to find my trusty old lunging whip to give him an incentive to beat the feet :lol:
  12. :lol: :lol: @ Wok Yeap Caryl that is fine, just send me the pick up details when you can and we will go get it
  13. :lol: :lol: Maybe he is gay or destined to live alone... and kidless :lol:
  14. Another story worth telling by the sounds.. :lol: :lol:
  15. Hiya Caryl We can pick the book up for you if that helps 8) Hubby works in Hastings so we are always out there.
  16. Sounds like your sword adults need to harden up :lol:
  17. They are floating around here in NZ, but haven't seen them on the lists at all.... :-? Hope you find some
  18. Awesome pics She could always put some up for adoption :lol:
  19. The 2400 Aqua Ones are excellent, we have two running on our 8fter, and they run like a dream! And awesome, you got it at the promotional price 8) They are going up to their normal price in alot of places now..
  20. Hi There I don't have an AR980 but I have the 5ft version of Aqua One, the wet and dry trickle filters are adequate in the Aqua One, but I also have a cannister filter running on the tank also. Just for the extra filtration.. and it also gives me peace of mind really, I always think, well if the pump running the wet and dry ever dies on me, at least I have my cannister running underneath You can stick with the inbuilt wet and dry solely but if you had a little extra money you would be willing to spend, a cannister also would be a plus
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