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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Hiya Caryl We have got your book already :lol: :lol:
  2. Thanks guys.. it's nowhere near finished, so will send some more pics with progress Need to make a few changes and fine tuning I am proud tho, as I grew all that Cabomba in my planted tank.. so neat when you can grow your own plants to a nice size, I really needed to thin it out, so that's the "thin outs" :lol: AD - It is rock backing you get from the LFS.. I don't like that tacky plant look backing so went with the natural look Ants - I am sure you could come down and do a far better landscape for me Rogan - Yeap no Africans, they fill up the rest of the house :lol: :lol: And the Dumerilli are growing and still showing pairing off signs, so I am going to have to get my butt into gear and get them sorted
  3. The tank is 5ft.. Fish in there are my favs: 4 x Dumerilli Angel 6 x Jurupari 2 x Suris 3 x Hoplo 12 x Columbian Tetra 4 x Iquito Plec 1 x Raphael Cat 1 x Marble Cat 1 x Keyhole Cichlid We will be expanding into a second Geo tank at some stage soon, as the younger Geo's grow... so that will just leave my big breeding pair of Jurupari in the tank shown... and I have some Geophagus steindachneri arriving tomorrow Can't wait...
  4. They are roughly around the $11-$12 mark each in places I have seen, prices would vary, especially if LFS get them from breeders etc they might be a little cheaper than from suppliers... I like the Orange Thick Lipped Gourami, so full of personality.. wouldn't look past them as something for colour etc either.. They are available at the moment.. http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Colisa_labiosa.html There is a picture link to the side.. and there are some neat Gourami pics to look through
  5. Hiya I have finally have my new Geo Tank set up I was spoilt for my xmas/birthday and received a tank, however, I ask myself was it much of a surprise after dropping the heavy hints to the man with the credit card :roll: :lol: Anyway, here are a few pics.. it's only been recently set up so it is nowhere near finished Sorry about the pic quality, haven't managed to master the camera as yet with all those fiddly functions :-? :roll: And here is a pic of my little Suri juvenile..
  6. Afrikan

    Tank update

    What a perfect way to spend spare time tho huh Looks good
  7. Hey no worries, we don't mind doing that at all He works in Hastings, at the back of Palmers, LFS there. So happily would take care of them till after work and we would be going into Hastings after he knocks off and coming out your way isn't too far out at all He could pick them up off your mum at the Medlab if that helps, anyway, let us know.. will PM you my home phone number if you would like to give me a ring in the morning. It certainly wouldn't be going to any trouble at all
  8. Hiya What depot are they going to, my hubby works out that way, he could possibly whip to get them for you if that suited? Would hate to think they are sitting at the depot all that time. He could float them in the tank at work to keep them warm and keep an eye on them, and then drop them to you when he knocks off early tomorrow at 3pm.
  9. For our display tank we have our main "centre piece" (as you could call them) fish which are Peacocks.. all males, saves the hassles :lol: The only fish we have in there that are capable of breeding are the Johanni (which is definately a have more than one female) and a large group of Electric Yellows. Display purposes it is so much easier having a hassle free tank :lol: And the Peacock boys are just stunning when they have their fins intact :lol: All our breeders are seperated into their different species groups and when the fish shed is completed they will all have their designated tanks. As Frenchy says, trio or more, saves so much hassle for you and the fish :lol:
  10. I have 4 Flash Plecs living happily in the same tank and have been for sometime, and also 4 Iquitos living harmoniously to Some are possibly more aggressive than others, but these guys have never given me any problems keeping them in groups, just have a heap of wooded areas and rockery etc
  11. They must all vary in tastes then because my swords came a cropper just like Ants sword leaves :lol:
  12. Oh heck that Wainui water again!!! *Sigh* :roll: :lol: Awesome stuff Paul!!! 8)
  13. Probably because they were dining out on your swords instead of algae Ants :lol: Just imagining it now :lol: I am trialing our GBA's in with Cabomba again, fingers crossed they keep their little nashers off my stalks! :evil: :lol: Great suggestion on the Siamese Algae Eater, they are a nice... and Otos are awesome, we have them in our planted Apisto tank... and yeah not Asian but well worth it
  14. Well we have had different experience with them, and well fed to.. Try telling my Cabomba and Swords that..... :-?
  15. Just watch what you put in there with GBA's etc they can have a good munch... Never had a problem with Vallis tho with them. That's why I love having my smaller fancy Plecs, I have so many plants in with them, and they don't touch them.
  16. Is your tank going to be heavily planted?
  17. Yeap definately a gradual process, wouldn't be a case of going and purchasing all of the fish listed above and throwing them in!! But would be thinking already know that How many Golden Algae eater fans are out there? :lol: :lol:
  18. You go with what works for you The fish you have are fine, however just keep an eye on the Barbs.. we have had a large school of barbs and they kept to themselves, and argued amongst themselves, however, we never kept Bettas in with them.. so never had the chance to see whether or not they were taken by fancy fins being in a large school or not!
  19. They won't munch snail tho :lol:
  20. Hmm I would say a nice little number of 10! :lol: They are just beautiful...
  21. How about Kuhli loaches I take it clowns will get too big for what you are wanting?
  22. They should be able to order the parts in for you from the Aqua One Rep, good luck
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