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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Hi Guys I was wondering if anyone could please help me ID this? Thanks heaps
  2. Will try and get pics of my boys and girls.. but hmmm they are forever on the go... I don't go by the pics overseas, as I have seen different variants of colour it seems, however I know there is a Spotted Dragon Blood out there also.. I have a heap of fry from one of my girls and I think another might be holding.. so she is quiet enough for a pic, but shes hiding behind the rock work argggh :-? :lol:
  3. I saw that one Ryan The hive of info aye :lol:
  4. Ohh no, sorry to hear that Shane :-?
  5. I am not normally one for Hybrids, but I do like my Dragons in display.. however, I think if people get them, they should keep them clean, same practice that one would keep with all other fish... There is alot of thoughts on the OB Peacock, having mbuna blood, being from Peacock to Peacock breeding, then naturally occuring in the wild, after some shots being taken of some in Lake Malawi, what are others thoughts???
  6. I wasn't using marble as example, but get what you mean alanmin and an interesting piece of info actually, I used to have marble in my mbuna tanks, but don't use it anymore.. looked nice, but heavy! :lol:
  7. They don't have a Scientific name.. they are German Bred apparently, Hybrid. Beautiful as display fish (even tho I do prefer the Lake species) :lol:
  8. I am with me love fishy.. I like to match temp as best as I can or close enough to, our water in the hose here is deathly cold alot of the time unless we are having a good summer... A sudden drop in temperature can cause problems for some fish.. I have often done a small crash temp change to trigger a spawning but overall hose is normally only used for water changes if water feels warm enough (usually good summer), and winter is definately out :lol:
  9. What fish are you wanting to keep in the tank shelzie?
  10. I would suggest as SpidersWeb said, stay away from the Lime based chip or peebles as your substrate if you are not going to be keeping Rift Lake Africans... It will help buffer your PH... As for the shop saying Lime won't kill your fish (non African) that is another story.. I know of a guy who made his concrete fish pond and unfortunately it was leeching Lime all the time and knocking off his goldfish, tried explaining this to him, and he still believes it can't be happening :roll: :lol: As far as the stones never staying white, we have aragonite substrate (used for Rift Lake Africans) And it is forever white, we don't get any algae build up at all, this is in our corner display tank.. In the 8fter apart from having a battle from Cyano which is almost over, we don't have algae problems there really either... Not sure if its because of the Ph? Does algae thrive in higher Ph levels? If you were to have white stones (straight white tank safe pebbles for non Africans) I would suggest having a Plec in there. Good Luck with whatever option you decide on
  11. You are right alanmin, we use aragonite as our buffer as such.. however, we have noticed that our limestone rocks break down rather alot, probably more so than your marble would...
  12. You were referring to the question you asked in Off Topic?? After I mentioned Limestone Rock in Gannets thread? So assumed you meant that shelzie and not the FRUIT :lol:
  13. Lime is harmful to fish BUT depending on what fish you keep... Limestone is ok for African Rift Lake species as it buffers the water.
  14. Glad you guys had a heap of fun! Looks like you had a great time..
  15. Here ya go chickiejo http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=142323015/PictureID=2936252867/a=87133417_87133417/t_=87133417
  16. Afrikan

    hi there

    Welcome to the forums.. you will love it here
  17. Hey Guys I hope you guys have a heap of fun tomorrow, doesn't seem like hubby and I are going to make it as we have one sick little boy with a bug... Have fun guys...
  18. Yeah and you can show the grandkids!! :lol:
  19. Hey There fattycatty I wasn't meaning you, I was just meaning in general You sound like you are putting great thought into your little guys It's just some people don't, we ended up getting a very big clown loach who was crammed in a small tank, could only really turn around.. so he ended up joining our other guys in a big tank, I'm sure he thought all his xmases had come at once :lol:
  20. Afrikan

    Whats this ??

    :lol: Ya think he might be confused Gannet
  21. Afrikan

    Whats this ??

    Looks Auratus like to me...
  22. Clowns definately do the sleepy bye thing.. We used to have a large school of very large clowns... in a BIG tank, and they were awesome, sadly tho, they do need a big tank later on down the track and I get so tired of seeing them in such stuffy tanks after a while, the bonus thing is, they are slow growing.. Not only do clowns lay on their sides, but Red Tail Botias do, Pakistanis.....alot of loaches do
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