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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Sorry to hear of your losses I have had to give myself a mental kick at times..
  2. Welcome I bet you are excited And it doesn't matter how many tanks you get, each one is excitement all over again... You will love it on these forums!
  3. Sorry to hear your boy past, I just lost my big Blue Dolphin Boy
  4. Hmm yeah overfeeding the little blighters can lead to lazy butt syndrome when it comes to cleaning algae off the glass :lol: :lol:
  5. Beautiful fish and yeah the finnage is gorgeous
  6. Hiya Shell We are one of the ones happy with what we have got, we are over the moon with our lot and there was a lot of hoo haa started over them, but at the end of the day, you had informed my hubby and I EXACTLY what we were buying and you were straight about it, not once was Kigoma ever mentioned to us by you.. I will be sending you a pic of them, they are just fantastic... And we are so lucky to have had the opportunity to get ours from you.
  7. :lol: I had to only end up stripping the one (Marleri) her crop was so huge, that she started having trouble holding them all.. the odd fry would come out and she would try and collect it again, looked rather funny, so I thought lady its time you said bye to your sprogs... She really didn't want to let them go, when netting her she was so intent she was staying put with her mouth full :lol: The others spat a day or so in the tank of their own...
  8. Definately... I have been into another LFS on our travels.. selling crossed Haps.. I pointed out that it's just fueling the hybrid market.. politely of course, and the response I got was "Oh well they sell, they are so colourful, so we sell them because we get the interest in them" hmmm :-? I also had some Elec Blue Fryeri (surplus) so asked this same store, if they would like some, as I had too many males, I mean at cost/wholesale these things are going for $38 odd each, so I thought hmm it might help them out a bit getting them a fair bit cheaper.. then I get.. "Oh yes we would, but we want them fully coloured first please, as Africans don't sell unless they are in their full colour" :-? Yeah good luck getting them fully coloured from the Suppliers, (note, they ended up getting 2 in and they were no where near as big, and they were somewhat disgruntled at getting sold a female" :lol: They like male Afs, as the females are so "ugly" quote... News to me.. oh well they lost out, I most certainly wasn't holding onto these Fryeris and raising them up any bigger than what they were, just because they wanted a quick sale card.. :lol: Oh well, better get off this soap box.. :lol:
  9. :lol: :lol: @ Wok See us Hawkes Bay Members certainly know how to do things well :lol:
  10. :lol: :lol: Good one purplecatfish, seems like this is going to be a great turn out
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: I love it! I must remember that tactic :lol:
  12. I will be needing our fish shed finished! :evil: :lol:
  13. Roughly 40 Marleri Peacock fry stripped.. Same amount of Dragon Bloods (by the way, all fry look white) 20 plus Demasoni (with 4 more females holding)... :roll: :lol: Johanni, need I mention those oversexed creatures... :lol: So I have a heap of grow ons so anyone interested down the track then please scream out
  14. Go hit that edit button Nimbo :lol:
  15. Ummm the same sort of topic was started last night by someone and removed by mod.... :lol: But I had heard... and it's disgusting...
  16. This either means that you have possibly over tightened the threads or you haven't tightened them enough, just need a bit of fine tuning.. Keep us posted
  17. Haven't seen them Scuba and hubby hasn't seen any available either via the suppliers of Fluval.. Umm Aqua One put out a Windsor corner tank which is really nice... however, I am pretty sure they are at the end of the line now, moving onto another line... Fab looking
  18. :lol: :lol: Definately rated R16 huh :lol:
  19. You mean the mishaps? I don't know about that.. not me at 3 in the morning... :lol:
  20. You still win Warren :lol: That's ok, I'm not far behind.. :oops:
  21. What about your big 1200 litre tank, was that in the house when you overflowed? :lol:
  22. Warren, Tim Tam is right, you are the biggest WINNER :lol: Dammit that means I am still in second place with 700 litres plus at around 3am!! And external filters running dry.. sounded like bloody choppers in the house whirring around it echoed that much.. :lol:
  23. Oh I thought Brad's brother was... with his shop flood... How many litres was that Brad, rough estimate.. :lol:
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