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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Depends on how it sounds with the Surname - something I am sure some people do not think of when naming kids...
  2. The great fishtank in the sky... viewtopic.php?f=25&t=49755
  3. Gee, better get someone to do something about that then...
  4. I think it died en route
  5. Phoenix 67 people named their boy this in 2009 I also agree about associating names with people you know, makes things even more difficult :-? I like KP's suggestions of Linden and Rowan - would stay away from the herbs, though!
  6. So is it the right smell - I do not recall you saying!
  7. Forgot to say mine is growing partially emersed, so maybe it does not smell as strong submersed?
  8. Mine smells like pepper and cumin -it comes from Neon as well!
  9. It is also a good idea to write down the details of prospective fish buyers or sellers on a piece of paper and not contact me when you cannot get access to the pms on this site :roll:
  10. You gonna get in trouble... (you sorta have to sing that like a kid going to nark on someone) Scratch'n'sniff plants now is it, P44?
  11. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Yeah, none of our other cats do this.
  12. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Yeah, he is pretty weird the way his legs stick out when he sleeps.
  13. Zev

    Hey Sam!

    Hmmm, it would appear that I am a 'grandparent' - daughter appeared home the other day with her 'son'... :-? Sam - lol my cat - it has a weird way of crashing on the carpet when tired.
  14. well done :happy2: Mine need a serious talking to in regards to reproduction :-?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CWOebTR ... re=channel
  16. lkma Liver Kidney Microsome Antibody
  17. Zev

    Peat testing

    When killi keepers re-wet peat, it means that there are killie eggs in there and they do so to make them hatch. You boil the peat mainly to make it sink, skim off the floating bits, drain off the water and keep it to add to your tank, and put the remaining peat into a bag and either put it in your filter or hide it in the tank somewhere. There are many types of Oak, the difference mainly being in the leaf shape. These must have aged naturally and fallen off the tree dry before you add them to your tank, either loose (they sink after a couple of days) or in a bag. As i mentioned before, you could also put them into a large container of water and use if for waterchanges as well, just keep topping it up as you use the water.
  18. Zev

    Peat testing

    Keep the boiled water and add it to your tank. Killiefish keepers boil peat that they use for peat spawners to lay eggs in and then keep it for months before re-wetting and hatching fry. Oak leaves left to soak in a bucket will give you a good tint to the water as well, but with your water change regime you may have an uphill battle to keep the water the colour you want it.
  19. Zev

    Peat testing

    You forgot to say, scoop off the stuff that floats, then bag it, Alan
  20. At least link to the official vid, josh! Creepy parrot - singing in the dark.... Hey - we could teach this to Caryl's new bird!
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