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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Don't know! Will check tonight and let you know.
  2. I have daphnia in an AquaStart 320, I have covered the light unit with tinfoil and poked a few holes in it because I am making a blackwater biotope, the daphnia like to congregate in the shafts of light and are rather partial to very finely crushed flake.
  3. Hmmm... Same 'Nhaaah' cat - first one is good, the narrator is annoying and the second and third parts are lame.
  4. I bet you he can but it would not be a pretty sight!
  5. Daphnia do not need an airstone, just remember to top the water up every now and then - mine needs this done but I keep forgetting :-?
  6. Yeah, cats are quite partial to manky water, especially from fish tanks... :roll:
  7. Zev


    They can sure handle some rough treatment, mine has been for a trip in a piece if driftwood to the sink, run under the cold tap whilst the driftwood got scrubbed, fallen out of the driftwood into the sink then scooped unceremoniously out of the sink, been told it is a stupid blimmin fish and carried back to it's tank and dropped back in. No worse for wear, but he is not enjoying his new tank mate - a Jordanella floridae male who is aggressively territorial.
  8. Plastic hinge attachments on plastic rim of tank, plastic rod thingy on lid fits into hinge - in other words, lots if breakable parts... Will take some pics tomorrow.
  9. Just trying to think what the best thing would be to get something growing in the bucket for the daphnia to feed off. One of our club members feeds hers dried blood from the garden centre to gut load them. Perhaps just use water from one of your tanks to start the bucket off when you do your water changes and a little bit of crushed flake?
  10. Does anyone know if you can take the lid right off one of these without breaking anything - I sort of had a go, but did not want to force the issue in case I did some irreparable damage to the thing. And no Ira, I do not just want to lift the lid up on the thing 90 deg, I want take it right off so that I can use another light fitting instead and put the lid away in case I change my mind and want to put it back on at some stage.
  11. Zev

    Albino Guppies?

    Oh yeah - dangly poo! :lol:
  12. This is daphnia I would use the to seed a large bucket of container of your own, then you can wait and see what greblies that Caryl is referring to grow. I have a 50 l bucket that has leaves in the bottom and algae growing on the side, it is on the shady side of the house so that it does not get too hot. I know the trough is in the direct sunlight, but probably has an auto top up ball cock thingy on it and holds quite a bit of water.
  13. The pipefish and seadragon are amazing, but I think I like the Devil’s Flower Mantis best.
  14. Hi and welcome, nice setup!
  15. We have one like this, leaky, as Ira describes them. She is a few years old now and still leaks all over the place, especially where one of our other cats has been sitting, even in the top of one of our laser printers because that is where one of the other cats likes to sleep So, I cannot offer you any advise either, Phantom, but the private box sounds like it might be a goer.
  16. Just be careful that he is not related to the boss, or a very good friend that he thinks he is doing a 'favour' for by employing him when no one else will.
  17. I agree, looks a bit deflated - and that would be Timtams as well
  18. Zev


    Kaos - perfect name for a Mutt! Ours managed to eat a sponge cake that had been on the cooling rack for only about 30 seconds, shot out the door and behind the car and wolfed it down without it touching his lips :-? And he knew he was in trouble, even pulled the big brown puppy dogs eyes and sorrowful looks as he skulked off around the corner.
  19. Zev


    I was going to say is that your Mutt, but thought you may be offended. We had one many years ago, same colour - 50kgs of idiot dog 8)
  20. Zev


    Hi, and welcome, is that your dog in your avatar?
  21. Hygro difformis is usually fairly easy to find, sometimes you can get it as a marginal plant in the pond section of your garden centre, may take a bit to get it to grow emersed, then it is usually away like a weed, and nice and bushy. E ozelot I think Alanmin has - can't remember the three numbers after his name, sorry! May need quite high light to grow successfully.
  22. Awww.... look at those liddle blue tail feathers...
  23. How long until he is a teenager, you could line it out and make it nice and cosy for the fish, oops... I mean him, until he shifts in
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