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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Right is wrong and ya all should be smacked with a ruler every time you try to write with your right hand. It is about what is right. The Asians know what is right and start on the right. There is more of them than you lot so get ready for a change. Obama is a lefty---he will fix things.
  2. I still have nightmares about writing with the old pen and ink left handed. The nibs wear to suit a right handed person and when a lefty tries to use them they dig into the paper and flick blobs of ink all over the page. I was greatful for two things: One was being allowed to use ball point pens and also realising that the incorrectly wired right handers were put on this world to teach us normally wired lefties patience, tolerence and understanding.
  3. It is no good bashing the government. We are even greater because we do all this in spite of the gevernment. Don't vote, it only encourages them.
  4. If they have hatched ---no need. If you have more eggs use meth blue.
  5. Plants will not grow without light and fertilizers of some description.
  6. What I don't get is how you get a prolonged release of CO2 with the reaction. It is not like fermentation which will go on for some time. I would expect the CO2 to be released in one burst.
  7. Well said indeed. I can assure you that your PMs are not monitored by me. The rules still apply.
  8. I gess the reel question is "did you know what was ment".
  9. Did I say that? I was just pointing out that the same rules apply to PMs as to the site itself. I am sure you have nothing to worry about.
  10. Those that obey the rules need worry about nothing eh.
  11. Don't forget that the same rules apply to PMs as to the main forum.
  12. I use garlic luncheon with whiteworms and there is less offensive odour. I just lost mine as they do not like the heat we have been having. Lumbriculus do and are probably even easier.
  13. If you are colour blind chances are you are male as well.
  14. That has all the parts you need. One dial reads the pressure in the cylinder, the other gives the pressure on the low pressure side of the pressure regulator. The nobs control the flow of gas through the bubble counters and each will go to a diffuser in each seperate tank. All run off one cylinder. The bubble counters normally have a back flow device (non return valve.)
  15. I used to work with a guy who was the fire chief in a rural fire brigade and a guy who was one of the senior ambulance people and I have nothing but admiration for the people that do either of those jobs and often as volunteers. I feel for anyone who saw this or the result of this and especially the truck driver.Hope Grant is dealing with it---not easy.
  16. Fastways down here will take fish but not reptiles
  17. I understood what you meant. I would use bigger bags and oxygen. I am not sure how reliable the oxygen supply is from those things but I know how reliable it is from a cylinder.
  18. I always put oxygen in the bag
  19. In my experience they need heat so I put a small element in there. They also need light to hatch and are atracted to the light so you can use it to seperate them from shells etc. Using straight hose with no diffuser is also the way to go as the bubbles only need to agitate rather than aerate. There are also differend sizes of brine shrimp nuplii that are useful when feeding particularly small fry. If you use the small ones (dearer) they can be fed to small fry like fighters from the get go.
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