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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. With very good insulation and a good volume of water inside as a heat sink the heating costs will be very low. You will be surprised how easy it is to breed a variety of fish in a fish house compared to in a heated tank especially anabantoids. Agree with a change of air in above post. This is why you want a good volume of water. The air also becomes fouled by the fish so a change of air is good for them as well.
  2. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  3. You are correct but I would have thought it would show by now.
  4. I would have thought that the gonapodium would be showing on males at that size.
  5. Egg cartons help. I have seen a drum practice shed lined with them and it kept the neighbours happy. You either need density to reflect and attenuate the noise or a material to absorb and attenuate the noise.
  6. I would expect ozelot to be varigated but it could be a junior of a few varieties including osiris.
  7. Sorry. NZKA is a mess at the moment and not sure who would know even. I asked ej a while ago what my status was and got no reply.
  8. It is great and thanks to all concerned. Might like to check: Alternanthera reineckii "roseafolia" in the picture is actually the other one which name escapes me. Echinodrus osiris is actually Echinodorus "red special" as it is a picture of one of my plants.
  9. It is a bit hard to tell as plants vary so much depending on growing conditions. The red and stem plant have been grown emersed then converted to submersed growth so there is a bit of both on each. The red plant could be Alternanthera reineckii "roseafolia" or Ludwigia repens. The green plant is a myriophyllum and there are a few varieties about. The different look at the base is because it has been grown emersed (out of the water). The last plant is an Echinodorus (sword plant) of some description but hard to tell at this stage.
  10. It is not normally a fungal infection, it is bacterial. Can also be caused by some parasites but usually by fish fighting (they normally go for the eyes). Extreme low pH or bad water conditions do not help either. Furan2 (as suggested earlier) would be the easiest antibiotic to get hold of without vet visits and prescriptions followed by bills. Fungus is usually an oportunistic infection that will follow the bacterial.
  11. Nice looking adults and some unusual patterns on the babies---will be interesting to see how they turn out.
  12. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  13. Having the odd female with a bunch of males might increase the agro as well.
  14. Make sure the food is all getting eaten and don't start thinking the poor fishies must be hungry. They would be alright being fed a very small amount every second or third day to see if it makes a difference. Remove any dead or dieing foliage from plants continuously.
  15. Like humans, males have the colour. Out of a jar or syringe for females.
  16. Put everything in a bucket and top it up with water. Go have a cup of coffee and come back with a net. They breath air so have to come to the top to breath and you scoop them out with a net.
  17. Like whitespot it is not what you see on the fish that you are treating, it is the vegetative form in the water. You need to treat until there are no more showing on the fish and then some. The easiest way to spot velvet is with a torch at night when it is dark. If whitespot looks like salt on the fish, velvet looks like pepper. There can be more resistant forms of velvet and if things are not improving then raising the temperature may encourage the resistant form on the fish to release the weee darlins the acriflavine will get at.
  18. I mean that the humidity is usually pretty high and polystyrene is likely to go mouldy. When I built mine I used batts and sizalation then coloursteel sheets with the joints sealed with RTV and all painted with mould resistant paint. If you use sizalation you need to put it on the warmest side of the wall or it will cause condensation.
  19. I think windows are only useful if you are growing plants and if the light is from above. The more insulation you put in the better but I would look at trying to make the wall linings more serviceable than polystyrene. My advice would be to instal as much volume of water as possible as it acts as a heat sink.
  20. I think we probably do as someone got prosecuted for them I believe. Probably an unwanted organism. We also have the smaller ones as they come up on trademe now and again.
  21. You pays your money and takes your pick. With the shortage of mealworms about at the moment he is a lot cheaper than most of the ones on trademe. Nothing is as cheap as breeding your own but now and again we don't keep the system going as we should and have to buy in.
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