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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You don't park the car in your lounge---I hope
  2. If you have point loads the force on each would be considerable. The aim would be to spread the load over the whole footprint would it not?
  3. The hi yellows have certainly improved since the good ol' days when it was $1500 for one with a fraction of the yellow and a lot more black. They are a bit more affordable as well so not all bad.
  4. The next trick would be strengthening the floor of the house to take the weight would it not?
  5. Welcome and enjoy your time hear.
  6. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  7. They didn't perform too well during the quakes---The legs bent at the bottom and they toppled over.
  8. Just because they call me god of ugly things doesn't mean you should be nasty to me.
  9. My understanding is that the top euro bracing is to take the bow out of the side glass and the ends are short so do not have as much flex as the longer panels That is the way I have always done euro bracing except I stop the longer braces short of the ends to allow for wires and airhoses etc.
  10. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  11. I can't tell much from the pics. I have never tested a tank nor had one leak. If they are done properly they don't leak. Send me a PM and tell me who made it please. When you say the sides do you mean the ends?
  12. I have been meaning to start breeding them but haven't got round to it yet.
  13. Chrstchurch may be called shakey town now but be aware that we live in a shakey country and you cannot rely on your place not getting a decent shake one day. People down this way are a lot more conscious of shakes when building stands after seeing the mess that a shake can make. I would suggest you brace the hell out of it and research the best way to secure the stand and tank so it does not topple over.
  14. It wouldn't be a sponge would it?
  15. I heard of someone whose little girl fed a monarch catapiller to their beardie and it was dead next day. Generally stay away from brightly coloured things. They go for cicadas.
  16. Tell them it is not what you ordered and ask them to supply what you ordered. If you have paid for it you might be hard pressed and if you don't have your order in writing you may be hard pressed.
  17. The man is a genius---he got a heap of pussylovers thinking about wether they should look after their cats better and that might help a few native animals as well as native gardeners.
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