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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You kill it then do the autopsy before other problems of bacterial and enzymic decay disguise the problem.
  2. It is probably damage caused by fish fighting to establish mating rights or sort out a heirachy
  3. I think sometimes that we do not take into account the stress that fish are often put through before they even get exported. they are generally grossly overcrowded in poor water. I understand that one of the problems with many imported guppies is that they are raised in ponds in outlying islands where land is cheaper and there is a lot of seawater ingress into the ponds. When I imported goldfish years ago they all came back from Maf with the statement that they had kidney damage from being overcrowded in poor water conditions.
  4. They sure scrub up well when trying to impress each other.
  5. Christchurch sewage is well treated before discharge to the sea but there was a prolonged period there of recent times where it took a short cut via the local rivers. It is also a slow and unpleasant death to throw a live fish into the toilet because it is not looking well.
  6. And what do those words mean? He made over 100 predictions where he named a time or place and they were all wrong. The rest of it could mean anything you want it to mean.
  7. Easier than they used to be---3 weeks instead of 6. Buy NZ made.
  8. Most barbs can get nippy. It probably depends on the fish. Like humans I guess, some are laid back and others agro.
  9. But can you picture Ira waving his arms about as he said it?
  10. When you detect that smell at a swimming pool most people think it is too much ckhlorine but it is actually no chlorine---it has been used up and is now monochloramine. The smell goes away if you add more chlorine. Local authorities try to maintain a small amount of free available chlorine at your kitchen tap but it is not easy and usually doesn't happen.
  11. How did you pack them, who sent them and where to?
  12. I am sorry if you missed my point Joe. My fear is that we are losing our communication skills because the written word only conveys a small proportion of the total message we give to each other when comunicating person to person and so much is done impersonally these days. I doubt that we would need moderators if we were all in a room talking to each other. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
  13. It is. It allows for the removal of excess food AND a few water changes to the fish before changes in the main tank. Alternatively an auto water change system can be added to the main tank. The food was mainly live lumbriculus.
  14. Go give your friends a cuddle and talk to them. 90% of human communication is body language, inflection in speach etc, not electronic bollocks. Getting old is not for sissies.
  15. I got green and golds to spawn inside with a sprinkler system that came on for a few hours during the night.
  16. The fins that all the "fighter fanciers" love have been selectively bred and do not exist in nature. These fins put them at more of a disadvantage than the smallish containers they are kept in. These small containers all help in the development of these long and fancy fins that people love about these fish. I have bred and reared heaps of these fish and used to keep them in specially designed tanks of glass subdiveded into small squares with s/s mesh on the bottom and suspended off the bottom in a larger tank. To do a water change on a couple of dozen "jars" you lift the internal tank then drop it (about 3 times a day. I had a number of tanks like that. If you breed these fish and they don't have well developed fins (through flaring at their neighbours) no one wants to buy them.
  17. Goldens like more heat. I had mine at 26 deg C. Don't know a lot about southerns. They are more inclined to breed when you have way more males than females. Things can get agro and scrappy but the competition seems to get the testosterone flowing. You may lose some males so start with 6 to 1.
  18. An albino would have a red eye. I have had them and they are pretty obvious. It may be a leucistic. Albino is a gene for lack of malanin and leucistic is a gene for lack of colour.
  19. When I was growing it emersed I found that it did better if you put the cuttings in a glass of water until they grow roots, then plant submersed in good light. Nice plant submersed.
  20. not enough light? You may have more luck floating it until it converts.
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