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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Petworld down here do them and make a good job too. They have to be a good job or the mistakes are very obvious
  2. You can add a water proofing agent to the concrete. I have made a few concrete ponds and just filled them up after the concrete has just set and change the water a few times befor puting things in there. It slows the drying of the concrete and leaches a lot of the solubles. Then fill with water and allow to go green with algae and add heaps of daphnia, when clear add fish.
  3. There are some in Invercargill on trademe for $350 and some up north for 300 I think. Up to about $500 in the shops I think. I don't think either on trademe will post so they may struggle to sell them all. The price depends a lot on the season and the genetics. They are a bit dearer than they have been this season because there is not many available and virtually none last season.
  4. Don't try and lift it, just catch it in the net and drag it to the side of the pond to pick it up.Fingies away from mouth.
  5. Water has a greater afinity for O2 than CO2. You can drive the CO2 from drinking water by aerating it. What you are doing is increasing the surface area of the volume of water
  6. The point I was making was that there are a lot of people visiting this site who are not members of a club or FNZAS. In my view this should be discussed at a club meeting rather than on a public forum. Arrangements had been made for the information to be available for a club meeting. That is all I have to say on the matter.
  7. Is this the best place to be once again puting your anti FNZAS views. Would it not be better to discuss this at your club meeting which is coming up?
  8. Love it. Don't mess with granny. Gettin ol aint for sissies
  9. I am not sure that he is doing insects commercially anymore---perhaps he will let us know.
  10. I am not aware that he is a member. I have no knowledge of how he breeds his insects but I know other people that do it commercially. You could not put your glasses on and sit down with a pair of tweezers and count out a thousand mealworms. There is a place down here I know of that goes through 30000 mealworms each year between xmas and new year. DOC and some of the outfits involved in rearing some of our endangered animals go through large numbers of insects. They use a series of seives to sort out the sizes and then sell by weight. You count out 1000 large, medium, or small mealworms and weigh them. When you order 30000 they weigh them.This is the way to stay stave off insanity. I guess that when you can produce 30000 (probably a small fraction of what they produce) you can claim to be able to breed mealies.
  11. Ask Mrs Google about "midge egg case"
  12. My understanding was that a delegate was going to provide the info to the Wellington clubs at a meeting set down for a few days away.
  13. It would have changed its name by deed poll
  14. HTH is high test hypochlorite which produces 80 percent chlorine when added to water.
  15. Copper is very toxic to some fish and many shops have stopped selling snailrid because people kept coming back with dead fish. Try loaches---lots safer
  16. I have to admit that I didn't know what was going on the first time I saw one pulling its skin off and eating it.
  17. They are easy to convert from warm to cold---you just let the water cool by itself and put them in. A lot more care and time going the other way. I have kept them in ponds in Christchurch so would be OK in wellington.
  18. He is just so restrained this lad. Walked past a lady in the wharehouse in a cat costume a few days ago. She had a sign on the front saying "help us desex stray cats". I thought a lot but did not utter a sound---promise.
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