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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If you think about it a lot of signs are signed in sign already. Most toilet doors have a picture of a man or woman. Road crossings have signs. All the signs in the park--no dogs,bikes etc. I admit there are many that would be a challenge.
  2. alanmin4304

    Who am I?

    Best eat your choccy fish before Sophia gets here.
  3. Where have you been? Many tribes already have water rights and they have been given by "us"and therefore "you" so how could it be a joke.
  4. I could say bollocks but I am far too polite.
  5. I am finding it difficult to understand why some people are getting their undies in a twist over this. We (non maori, pakeha, european, kiwi, the crown, the government or whatever you wish to call yourself) didn't give lake Taupo to Ngati Tuwharetoa we paid it to them in part compensation to expunge some of the guilt that our culture is good at loading us up with and to make us feel a bit better about all the wrongs that our ancesters did to Ngati Tuwharetoa. This is a win/win negotiation in which both parties ended up feeling better. We then decided we would like to use their lake and they generously decided to rent it to us for a particular function. This seems to me akin to a "we" renting a large flash home to a group of "Them" for a wedding or some other function. In this capitalist world that we live in that seems a perfectly normal thing to do and shows some business acumen that some of us would like "them" to show so they become more like "us" It is because some of us think about we, us, them etc that our society becomes divided but I don't think "them" becoming "us" is the answer and "they" also have some aspects in "their" culture that "we" could learn a lot from. It is partly because "we" can recognise "them" walking down the street more easily than the kingpin of the Russian Mafia walking behind "them" that we do this.
  6. A good time to get in to frogs---a lot less weight. Too small for turtles.
  7. We are actually a trilingual country. Sign language is an official language as well. Anyone got any racial remarks about that?
  8. As a matter of interest he also said that in history maori regarded themselves as members of tribes and the word maori came in about the same time as pakeha and means normal person. Please don't someone tell me their mate in the pub said it means brown fairy.
  9. This was from Tipene O' Regan and I would trust him over a boozie mate in the pub. Another maori guy I worked with put it this way. " If a stranger jumped over that fence, wether he was maori or pakeha I would say kia ora pakeha"
  10. You can learn a lot from kids that are seriously ill. They are all absolutely amazing. I have some very special memories of some I spent time with.
  11. The local Ngai Tahu always say prayers before going on to Kaitereke spit by lake ellesmere because so many people are buried there from fighting over the great kai reserves of te waihora so they certainly regarded particularly food resources as possessions. I don't think that changes much---they still own the lake.Taupo that is.
  12. There is nothing I find offensive about the word pakeha. Some people have claimed over a beer with their uninformed mates that it has all sorts of hidden meanings. I have been informed by a very senior and respected member of Ngai Tahu that it means stranger, or more particularly strange person. I don't find that offensive. If you were a native on the beach digging for pipi when you saw a sailing ship loaded with europeans in funny uniforms and carrying sticks that went bang, gave off smoke and killed people, you would probably have thought of them as strange as well. I think it describes my family better than europeans who are people from europe. My children are strange people---part maori,australian aborigine,welsh, english, scottish, irish, russian jew and the surname is french. My grandaughter has all that and west indian as well. Pakeha sums it up better I think. Each one to their own.
  13. I would say this is a very good demonstration of how much the have become "brown europeans." The pakeha, being mainly of the christian faith (aka lets all feel guilty together because we were all born sinners) have made themselves feel better by paying for the sins of their forefathers. They have paid the lake and other things in compensation for previous wrongs. By giving the lake the crown has probably saved millions of dollars in monetary compensation. The local iwi have demonstrated how well they adapted to the pakeha way by charging rent for their lake like any good capitalist pakeha would do. Brown pakeha.
  14. I think they were asking $40 per entry but the principle is still the same. They may not of settled on that amount though.
  15. In a previous life when I was working out in the country some townies decided to have a BBQ and picnic on a nice piece of a farmers land. He was a little miffed that they did not ask and traced the reg of their vehicle to their address. His family turned up with the BBQ in town and some pretty lively discussions were held I am told.
  16. Who gets ride the scooter then?
  17. alanmin4304

    Longfin BN

    Genes are in pairs. As stated. longfin is recessive like albino so you need 2 genes for it to show. They will all be carrying the gene.
  18. Us maoris got to stick together eh bro.
  19. That word, when used to address a woman has the same intent. What else could in mean when you call a female human a female dog.
  20. Interesting thoughts. Another thought would be that if the crown (those representing all the people of NZ) gave ownership of the lake (including water, lake bed and air above it) to Ngati Tuwharetoa then they own it and can do with it what they like. You have as much right of access to the lake as you do to have an uninvited BBQ on your next door neighbour's front lawn. They are as entitled to rent their property as you are. We are talking about the meaning of the word ownership in 2007 and 2013. I am sure the meaning is the same today as it was in 1840. Do you think the government should buy it back? The price may have gone up because they may not wish to sell their lake. Perhaps we should take more notice of what the crown is doing on our behalf or they should relocate the ironmen.
  21. Plants need the right ratio of light carbon (from CO2 or excell) and ferts. There is no point in adding a lot more of any one component.
  22. I think whore is a disrespectful word for women, not just women that charge for sex or give "too much" for free. There are also disrespectful words for various races and nationalities. To me they are all the same and they are all intended to be disrespectful. I think people have become too casual about it by watching too much TV and hearing americans talking about a woman as a ho. People would be pretty careful about using the N word and similar so why not the W word.
  23. You wont be my mate until you stop calling my mother naughty words.
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