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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sorry about your loss but as a bit of an aside, does anyone know if it is possible to supa glue a split beak like that?
  2. Don't throw out the worms as they are probably bloodworms, tubifex or Lumbriculus (blackworms), all of which are good fish tucka
  3. Hope you have a better way of keeping it warm than just matches (or endless patience)
  4. I suspect part of the problem is lack of light penetration when submersed so may do better with strong light. I have never tried to grow them submersed but usually plants have an emersed and submersed form and I have not seen any different form to the leaves when submersed which would lead me to believe submersion is not realy its thing.
  5. I bred the albinos a number of times and like you there was always a small percentage of normals to my surprise. I thought about 10% which seemed an unexpected %.
  6. If you feed it mince make sure it does not have sulphur dioxide preservative added or it will bring it all up all over the place. Butchers are not allowed to add it to minced meat but the odd one does as it makes the mince go a nice red colour. The easy way to test it is to add a little malachite green soln and if SO2 is present it will go from green to clear. I had a baby maggie and fed it minced meat and it turned into a volcanic eruption all over the kitchen floor. I had a few words with the butcher who then agreed to mince some prime steak for free while I watched.
  7. On the plankgeek site it shows salicifolia and states that it is also called angustifolia. On the Tropica site it shows salicifolia and states that it is normally grown emersed and the leaves are a lot wider when emersed.
  8. There is a lot of confusion over these plants. As far as I am aware it is as follows: Hygrophila corymbosa stricta is the wide leafed variety and is also called cherry leaf and temple plant. Hygrophila corymbosa salicifolia is the other one available and is generally sold as angustifolia. I base the latter statement on the fact that Bob Ward from Redwood Aquatics imported angustifolia years ago and was informed by maf that it was actually not that and was salicifolia. Since both varieties are generally commercially grown emersed and salicifolia is more productive it seems to be the variety most often available although I personally prefer stricta. The other larger leafed variety that used to be common was H. costata which was more cold water prefering but is now an unwanted organism.
  9. The argentinensis can grow to about 600mm and should with the lighting you have. I have not grown them as they are a bit big for me but it looks like yours has been grown emersed and may take a wee while to convert to submersed growth.
  10. I have not seen peace lillies last for more than a few months submersed. Try the search function and you should find many stories asking why their plant is not looking very healthy. There are many plants that will grow well with just their roots submersed but not so many where the leaves are also submersed.
  11. Looking great. The rocks should look good when they become covered. Leave the polysperma as the height gives a better balance to the project.
  12. Do we have some severely psychologically damaged birds that were hand reared and thought that their parents were the first thing they saw when they hatched--a human? No wonder hand reared birds are not good breeders often. If I ever decide to hand rear ostriches please remind me of this video.
  13. That is interesting too---didn't know that they could. OK, OK, he is not about to chop toes off to test the theory.
  14. I have not seen them just lose a toe. In my experience most of the babies went leaving a few big fat ones. I now keep them in seperate containers where they are all within a few days of the same age. The adults don't seem as canabalistic.
  15. I would think that if you were a tadpole and saw something as big as you coming towards you it is probable you would expect to be on the menue for lunch.
  16. I don't know if they are still around but most of the black masks used to be crossed to fishers years ago.
  17. Get the book: Keeping fire bellied newts by TJ Thornton published by TJ'S books PO box 327 Warkworth TJs_ [email protected] I think it is less than $20 They are not that easy to raise from eggs as they need brine shrimp nuplii (can feed daphnia but not as good),and need to be seperated into groups the same size. They are like axies and eat each other but unlike axies the bits don't regrow.
  18. Culture your own fruit flies and find spots to get the shiny green or brown aphids (they don't like the grey or fluffy ones) and this will cut your food bill. Put a slice of apple in there and that atracts the fruit flies and you can always easily tell if there is food available.You can feed whiteworms now and then when they are bigger. Give them places to hide.
  19. Aren't you just greatful sometimes that the good ol days are no longer and we now have even better days.
  20. Bubble and Squeek have whistler tadpoles for sale at the moment.
  21. I have not used it (I use jbl). It is a source of micronutrient for your plants and like similar products is based on a clay mix. I use sand as a medium which is good at holding these products down. I don't know how successful courser gravels might be at doing that.
  22. They tend to have genes for lack of colour rather than for a colour. A blue mask is lack of yellow and yellow is lack of blue. The albino. creamino and lutino were just imported when I was doing it and a bit too expensive for me then. Good to see they are still about. They love fresh growing broom cuttings to put in the nest boxes so the farm hedges are no doubt less well trimmed now days.
  23. I would have to agree with LA about sexing them by bite. I had nine avieries full of them at one stage (including a load of masks) and the females are the best biters---usually in the soft bit between thumb and first finger. You get good at catching them with your finger under their chin after you have been bitten a few times. They have interesting genetics in terms of breeding to colours.
  24. Some of the stem plants like Caryl has might be OK if allowed to grow to the surface and float. Ambulia and cabomba, or Cardamine lyrata. Depending on the size of the tank Echinodorus uraguayensis---will grow to about 700mm and has long leaves a bit like giant vallisneria.
  25. Peace lillies are not aquatic and will only survive for a short time submersed. Lack of potassium can cause holes in the leaves or fish that like eating plants.
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