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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. He will come out at night so grab the wood when he is out.
  2. Yours is a golden bell (just picked it up--many thanks) Golden bells only survive in the wild in the northern half of the north Island
  3. There is a lady in Christchurch who sells them on trademe from time to time.
  4. It is not a Sag as it has the wrong shaped leaf (arrowhead) and a yellow flower.
  5. Was it growing in or out of the water? I think Sagittaria flowers are seperate male and female and have white petals rather than yellow.
  6. Once again, if all else fails---read the instructions.
  7. If your pump is 3 metres below the water level on the tank then it has three metres of water each side of the pump therefore having positive 3 metres pressure and negative 3 metres pressure so the only work it has to do realy is against the friction loss in the pipes. The same thing would conversely apply if it was 3 metres above the tank.
  8. Having it above the tank will cause a negative pressure that will encourage dissolved gasses to come out. Most pumps are better at pushing than pulling.
  9. Many of the old books suggest using clay or peat under sand as part of a media for growing plants. They use it as a source of micronutrients but generally suggest cooking it in the oven first. It is pretty fine and would probably clog your filter.
  10. In the end it is just a numbers game. It will depend on how many people want to buy them. There is a good demand for live food here at this time of year and reptile people tend to talk to each other so the word will get out that you have them. You need to have them consistantly available and people will come to you if they are cheaper than the shops. If you need to sell to the shops to get rid of the numbers you have available they will not buy from you if you are selling privately at a cheaper price at the same time. I would say 40 to 50 cents each sounds about the top end price. I culture locusts for my own use and I think you will be lucky to recover all your costs unless you are selling heaps, but it does lower your own costs. I don't sell them.
  11. If the canister is above the tank the disolved gasses in the water will slowly accumulate until the pump starts to capitate (pump air) and will air lock and stop working.
  12. I have tried topsoil, clay and peat as a substrate under sand both "raw" and cooked in the oven and have found them all to be not worth the hassle that results compared to the commercially available micronutrient products. You may have more luck.
  13. Calcium carbonate is almost insoluble except in acid water. I have three large chunks of marble in one of my tanks without any problems and they have been there for yeers.
  14. Top soil will put far too much nutrient into the water and cause algae problems.
  15. 1/4 teaspoon of microworms is way too much. The babies are small and can only eat a few each. The microworms will use up the oxygen in the water then die and polute it.
  16. You can keep them in quite small containers until they morph so long as they are a similar size, you feed them well and change the water frequently.
  17. If you pay the rates eventually you can apply to own it I think
  18. I remember going to the river bank in the botanic gardens with an Ausie and being a bit surprised to see him beating the grass with a stick before sitting down, but then he was a strain.
  19. alanmin4304


    Finrot is normally a bacterial infection and with any damage like that an oportunistic infection of fungus can then result as well at which stage you need to treat for both. Acriflavine will often work as wall and is frequently used on fish that are sensitive to malachite green. It will treat the bacterial infection in the earlier stages.
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