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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have used it a few times without problems but have killed the filter with erethromycin (but have also used it without problems).
  2. I have a number that I have bought--one for turtle eggs, one for birds eggs (out on loan), a made in China reptile one and a 1960s laboratory bacterial incubator which I bought realy cheap and looks ugly as but is probably the best one. You need a low wattage heater but an accurate thermostat that will vary about half a degree each way of the temperature you want. I have tested them all and they all do that. You can buy an accurate thermostat from Homershams for a little over $100 which reads the temperature as well. There is a firm on Trademe selling them and I think they sell a whole range of other types including 2nd hand and posibly the bits you need to make one.
  3. It is a female and may be full of eggs as well as a bit old. They don't live a long time realy particularly if the temperature is up there. Colour fading in neons is a sign of stress which could be a number of reasons. It does not look like pleistophora (neon tetra disease)
  4. The usual antibiotic recommended is erethromycin which is prescription only and hard to get hold of. Furan2 is easier to get from your local pet shop and will do the same job. Remove as much of the cyano as you can first and siphon up the bottom after treatment..
  5. You can do either. I siphon the babies out and feed them up in a small bare bottom tank. The parents will probably breed again in a couple of weeks.
  6. Any one that has a few spare daphnia if they could bring a starter on Saturdy I would be chuffed.
  7. My guess is that most of those plants would not be very suitable for the average aquarium in NZ.
  8. What Ira is pointing out with tact and diplomacy is that a female goldfish full of eggs is described as gravid.
  9. Sunlight is better than a UV light.
  10. Compound fractions are the worst.
  11. Have a look at the post in this section "So finally Tequila's on the mend". As LA said you can feed a lot of calcium but for a number of reasons it may not be being absorbed.
  12. I have noticed that submersed aquatic plants that fold their leaves at night do so regardless of the cycle the lights are on and wether the blinds are open or not so you would have to assume that fish have even more savvy than them.
  13. Girls can have little white lumps as well but the one being chased is usually the female. They are better at sorting that out than us.
  14. Other fish like angels are pretty good at sucking the babies through the holes in those traps.
  15. If KP is so keen why is he not organising it on the fishkeepers site already?
  16. I have never grown plants under metal halides so can't help much there I am afraid. There are people here who have, or American sites like plantgeek might help as they are more into intense light over there.
  17. What some people have to put up with in their daily lives is absolutely amazing.
  18. If all else fails---read the label
  19. could lay again in a couple of weeks but you should pick it by the frantic running about and scratching.
  20. Rotala grows easily in a glasshouse as a potplant but would need a reasonable leval of artificial light if that was what you were using. You would have to keep trimming it or it will grow into a tangled mess.
  21. Both on 9.33 but you won fastest finger first.
  22. Depending on where the crack is. If is across a corner and has nowhere to run you could repair it but if it is just the start and could continue to run I would not want to risk repairing it as it will eventually finish running and Mr Mrphy reckons that will be just after you put your expensive fish back in.
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