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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. There should be a few around in a month or two as that is more the time of year they are hatching.
  2. They have funny geneticas anyway. When I bred albino/albino I ended up with 10-15% normals from the offspring.
  3. The advantage of doing it that way (I do the same with all live food) is that you do not transfer any disease from one tank to another.
  4. I use a small paintbrush and wash them into a glass of water then feed them out with an eye dropper
  5. The broker, rather than getting the best deal for you may well get the best deal for them and send you to the insurance company that pays them the best commission. Ring around and you are likely to get the best deal from a company that you are already insured with.
  6. $400 would be cheap because when you get them here they would probably be worth a couple of hundred thousand and a couple of years holiday.
  7. If it gets hot in the summer it will probably get cold in the winter so heating the room could get expensive then.
  8. From what I understand they tend to sit on posts and branches rather than rocks and the heat transfer from wood would be a lot less.
  9. I use ceramic heat emitters and a light bulb as a boost in the winter (which I have just stopped using with the warmer weather). I have been told that beardies have no heat sensitivity on the underside so can get over heated with heat pads or rocks. Have not been able to confirm or deny, but don't use just in case.
  10. There is a node about 100-150mm back down the stalk from the leaf and often a plant will start to grow there. They will also usually grow a plant at the end of the stalk if you cut off the leaf and let it float. It takes a very rich media and time for them to grow bananas as it is the plants nutrient store.
  11. The aggression is normal when the want to breed. If the pair are removed things should settle down.
  12. I recently bought 12 pieces precut to 295x390x2mm and they gave me 13. They cost just over $40 in total so ask around. I then drilled holes with a press drill. They were for another purpose but were the same as what you want. If you want to drill holes use a blunt drill and it will not bite and split the plastic---ruin the sharp edge on concrete.
  13. sicklids otherwise it would be spelt chichlids---here endeth the lesson for today.
  14. I used to use a 1 killowatt heater with a fan. I wired it so the heater went all the time and the heater was controlled by a standard wall thermostat. Place the heater by the floor and near the door
  15. The CO2 is the same from sugar and yeast as it is from top quality wine.
  16. Yes, Hygrophila corymbosa stricta (also known as cherry leaf or temple plant) or H. corymbosa salicifolia (usually sold as angustifolia) would be suitable. Some of the medium sized swords like red special, red rubin, osiris would also be good with strong lighting.
  17. The first thing the yeast does is break the complex sugar (cane sugar as in table sugar) into simple sugars before breaking them to alcohol and CO2. When making alcoholic drinks people often use simple sugars but I have never seen the point as the yeast does it anyway. I would guess that using complex sugars will only delay the start of fermentation rather than prolong it. The yeast ferments until it is killed off by the alcohol that it produces and wine yeasts will withstand higher concentrations than bakers or beer yeasts so will therefore ferment for longer and produce CO2 for longer.
  18. I know of two others who have not visited or prefer not to advertise, and why not.
  19. When goldfish spawn they generally lay lots and lots and lots of eggs, not just a few around the edge of a leaf. Males don't usually lay eggs.
  20. Alcohol is good on dry hands but the others are best if you wet your hands well first.
  21. The fish never worried. A quick rinse and fed them out or froze them into icecubes---a little more careful with the icecubes.
  22. Since most are grown emersed and the prices do not justify heating a glasshouse over winter it is not a good time to get them. Late summer is good. The further north you go the better your chances will be.
  23. Some of the larger Echinodorus species would be good....cordifolius, marble queen (varigated cordifolius) or uraguayensis. Success will depend a lot on your lighting.
  24. It is not common salt, it is nutrient salt, which is a mixture of nutrients that helps the yeast to multiply and work.
  25. In the presence of air the yeast multiplies and without air it ferments sugar to produce ethanol and CO2. You can therefore increase the amount of active yeast by allowing it to stay warm with access to air for a while before closing the system off to air. You can also buy wine yeasts from the home brew shops which are stronger than bakers yeast and will remain active for longer as the concentration of ethanol increases. From the same place you can buy salts which provide the nutrients the yeast need to be more effective or if you are feeling cheap you can add a small amount of marmite. Keeping the system warm makes it work better as well and to this end you can add an element/thermostat or heat pad. Even better, you can set up a good sized jar and make wine at the same time.
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