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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304

    Ahoy all

    R yea gidday---hope you enjoy your stay
  2. Grow the plant in shallow water until you get emersed growth then cut that off and place it in a glass of water till it takes root then plant out like a pot plant. One of the problems is that some of the plants that need high light will not grow in a glasshouse without additional artificial light. The other way is to grow it in shallow water in a bell jar setup until it becomes emersed and flowers. R. wallichi is supposed to have white flowers.
  3. That is the problem with common names---it only makes life more complicated.
  4. Southern Bells are probably the hardiest. Green and golds don't like being too cold and whistlers don't like being too hot.
  5. You will need to make sure it is insect proof as they only like live food. What sort of frogs were you looking at keeping as the 3 types of Litoria prefer different temperatures.
  6. There is a guy down here (who shall remain nameless) who grows plants requiring high light like Ludwigia arcuata in troughs with about 150mm of water and double flouros only just clear of the water. Others prefer metal halides over a tank a little deeper. There is another guy who grows them submersed in a virtual glasshouse with flouros as well. I just grow them emersed under natural light in a glasshouse. With strong light you are wanting strong growth so you need CO2 and ferts as well as these are the 3 building blocks for growth. You pays your money and you takes your pick.
  7. The whole watts per gallon thing to me is pretty much rubbish. What matters is the actual light output. Distance from the plants, depth of water needed to be penetrated, hours of light generated and the type of light. When dealing with flouros the length does not realy matter if the light tube goes the length of the tank. The light from a 1200mm tube over a 1200mm tank (38 watts) is pretty similar to the light from a 600mm tube (18 watts) over a 600mm tank. You get about 10 watts per foot of tube.
  8. Green pine is Mayaca fluviatilis and I understand that red pine is also a type of Mayaca but there is always a debate about this. To my knowledge Rotala wallichii is not in the country. I have bought it many times and converted it to emersed then got it to flower and it turns out to be Rotala rotundifolia. I am still waiting for someone to flower red pine and see what it looks like.
  9. The NZ brine shrimp is expensive and fussier to hatch but is the smallest nuplii when hatched.
  10. They do vary a bit. I have mainly black (with red bellies) Japanese and now and then there are young like that ( I have 3 at present). I also have chinese that are still small but were reared from eggs and have always been black. As well I have some Japanese from Matt that were reared from eggs and have a very distinct red line down the back of the tail and part of the back and these were that colour before they morphed. I don't know if they are from different parts of Japan or just colour morphs but they do seem to vary a bit. The young that are that colour tend to be more red when morphed.
  11. Airstones and filters only allow for you to add more fish to the tank. If there is only a light loading with fish then you don't realy need either.
  12. As indicated above it is a sign that they are not happy. Might pay to also check for velvet and the easiest way I find for that is to have a look with a torch when it is dark.
  13. There is some for sale on that unmentionable sale site at the moment.
  14. It looks like glossostigma elatinoides and should be available in your local nursery aquatic plants section or from your local pet shop. It will not grow well unless you have very strong light. Plant it out in small bunches and let it spread as shown in you picture provided.
  15. They work well. I have a tank very successfully growing these at present.
  16. Wunder tionic is a mixture of treatments and might be a good place to start.
  17. The one big NZ bank may lose a lot of customers by following the bid foreign banks and closing branches. That is the reason I went there but soon it will be as inconvenient as the rest. You would think it was their money not mine.
  18. Fungus is usually an oportunistic infection that follows a bacterial infection of a wound. It couldn't be something else like mouth fungus (which is actually bacterial and not only affects the mouth).
  19. Is it all over the body or just a patch, and if so where?
  20. It is normally grown emersed down here when sold in the shops. You will increase your chances of survival if you put a few stalks in a glass of water on the window sill until it grows roots. If you want to do that see if you can get some as soon as it comes into the shop and before it has been submersed too long.
  21. Ludwigia arcuata (needle leafed Ludwigia) is a very atractive plant but needs very strong light.
  22. As a bit of an aside it reminds me of the farmer who got realy sick of people having a picnic on his farm without asking. After getting rego and looking it up he took his family and barby into the city and had a picnic on the persons front lawn. When they got excited he produced photos of them on his lawn. Took a while but they got the message eventually. Hope the farmer doesn't come and shoot up your back yard because they do know where you and your dear ol granny live.
  23. As I understand it, discharging a firearm on a road or from a vehicle is not legal.
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