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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. In a gravity system, if you double the diameter of the pipe you will get four times the flow.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate will produce CO2 in acid conditions but you will have no control over the rate. It will work until it or the acid runs out. Suggest you generate CO2, inject it, or add flourish excell (the easiest option) It is a complete package or it does not work---strong light/ added fertilizer/ CO2.
  3. Unless we take steps to improve the public health system we will end up with the american dream and anterooms outside A&E.It is a falacy to believe that private is always better than public. If the money spent on private insurance, including the profit for the Insurance company was put into the public system it would probably do away with the need for the private system.
  4. I am also a believer in not wanting to live in a counrtry where there is an anteroom at the entrance to A&E where you stay after a severe accident while they check to see if you have insurance. There are plenty of things that can be improved in our health system but I don't think we should try to copy the american dream. The same applies to ACC levies---if you can't afford the registration on a big bike, get an eco friendly car. A friend of German ancestry was telling me years ago that to live in Berlin and own a car is very expensive. It is relatively cheap to buy your Mercedes but very very expensive to register it and even more expensive to get the carpark off the road that you must have before you can register it. The carpark is often a lot more expensive than the car. We are not doing too badly I think, and I am happy with my little jap car.
  5. It is an urban myth that most taxes are paid by the hard working capitalistic rich. In fact they employ people with a phD in tax avoidance and the taxes are mainly paid by the majority----- hard working workers who can't afford tax avoidance. There are two truths in life: One is that the last thing you will do is die and the other is that you will pay tax the whole time you are here. With that in mind I am happy to make peace with both.
  6. alanmin4304


    The importation of goldfish was stopped because of a disease discovered on imported goldfish in Australia that could have been a threat to trout and salmon in NZ. Because of the relative values placed on fishing and fishkeeping in NZ I would think the situation is unlikely to change in the near future.
  7. It is one of the many plants sold as baby tears.
  8. Would love to attend but unfortunately will not be able to make it. Any chance you could publish a summary of your findings on here after the seminar?
  9. If you want to have a difference in temperature between the top and bottom tanks you can use a heater where the fan only comes on when the element comes on. If you want a more even temperature you wire the heater so the fan goes all the time and the heater comes on when required. Make sure the fan is rated to run continuously.
  10. Because of the difference in mass it is quicker to heat the air than the water but given enough time they both should end up the same and the water will act as a heat sink and retain a lot of the heat when the air escapes from opening the door.
  11. Is there anybody importing aquarium plants at the moment? All the people down here who used to import plants flagged the idea a long time ago.
  12. It is about balance. In a normal tank there will be a few and you probably don't notice them but in a tank with lots of uneaten food they multiply like mad and you can't help but notice them.
  13. Usually caused by overfeeding.
  14. It is usually on all sides but is most use on the logest sides.
  15. They were legally imported years ago because I had one and know of others who did also and like me managed to kill them off. They are for sale on some of the overseas sites but I don't know if anyone is still importing plants. I would imagine you would have to have all the paperwork to show it had been cultivated as they are almost extinct in the wild and heavily protected.
  16. If you are not knowledgable in these matters it would pay to get it checked by an electrician. It sounds like it is a direct short and will be more dangerous than a failed tube or starter. Someone could be electrocuted from touching it.
  17. I use potting mix with gravel on top to to keep them away from the fertilizers but to give a media to support plants.
  18. Just keep your eye on god and you should be right.
  19. Made me think of that hairy legged little Scott who made the movie about sueing god when his boat sank.
  20. I guess the answer is: If it works for you it must be good.
  21. I love insurance companies. We had a car converted and it was found with the automatic trasmission knackered and leaking water. It had obviously been taken for a strop. It cost $1400 to fix it and they wouldn't pay a cent. Said it was an act of god. I love insurance companies.
  22. They are a bit like guppies in that the females are relatively plain and the males have the colour.
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