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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Lobelia cardinalis---then you can break off bits and grow them in your aquarium.
  2. I bet the fish are greatful for that.
  3. Chucking them on the back lawn is about the same as the fish you buy to eat only it gets thrown on the deck or in the hold of the boat.
  4. Yes. But of course you would need to fix them rather than let them do their own thing.
  5. A bit like my workmate who used to ask if people wanted to see where he got his vasectomy-----down Bealy Ave
  6. Fancy guppies are line bred to fix the strain. A good breeder will seperate the males from females at an early age to obtain virgin females then breed the best of them to the best males to obtain and maintain good quality fish. If you just let them breed they will deteriorate in a few generations. So called wild guppies are often just a strain that has been been left to breed and has reverted to rubbish.
  7. Perishable goods. If pet shops replaced all the fish that died when people got them home there would be few left in business. Sorry to hear about your loss but what happens after they leave the shop is out of their control.
  8. At least they are up front about it.
  9. I read somewhere that the harder the water the more light they need.
  10. Fin rot is often an oportunistic disease that comes after fin damage from another fish and needs to be treated with an antibiotic. Fungus can also arrive after that and needs to be treated with a fungicide.
  11. You must have very accurate laboratory scales if you can add the correct dosage of furan2 to a coke bottle.
  12. The more RTV you use the longer it takes to cure. Most people use way too much. If you just use enough you can use the tank the next day and it looks a lot better.
  13. alanmin4304


    The micronutrients are basically clay I think which gives a mixture of trace elements. They need to be under the sand to hold them down or the water goes cloudy. JBL is not cheap but I find it good.
  14. You make a "V' trap in a seperate tank and put the gravid females in there so they don't get stressed by being moved at the last minute. I used one that took about 12 females and another that took about 30.
  15. alanmin4304


    It depends what you are treating. With some infectious diseases you need to treat the tank.
  16. If you wish to breed serious numbers of livebearers it is a good idea to build a good sized trap in a seperate tank where you can leave a good number of gravid females in there semi permanently.
  17. Like a lot of things--It is knowing that you have something that is different and commercial. A bit like the tradesman that charges 10 cents for the part and $20 for knowing where to put it.
  18. Thanks for clearing that up.
  19. The static design load for a ground floor on a domestic dwelling is 2 kPa which I think is equivalent to the water in a 400mm high aquarium with the weight evenly distributed over the footprint.
  20. If you spread the weight over the total footprint of the tank the load is over the whole floor. If you put the weight down through legs it is over the flooring and will be a lot more force than the flooring is designed to take.
  21. Roundup breaks down pretty quickly so it will be OK if you boil it.
  22. I have never seen it available here and don't believe it is in NZ.
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