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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. There is no point in treating fish unless you know what you are treating. The point of quarantine is to give the fish a safe place to develop a disease IF they are going to
  2. It probably means recycled water is used to flush the urinals and wcs, not sure about the bidets but I think I would want to know a little more.
  3. The only way to speed it up is to learn patience. Once you learn patience time flies.
  4. If it is any help. I never had disputes over access to the kids and have a good relationship with them now. I had plenty of disputes with their mother though, usually over trfling things. In the end I told my lawyer to go to court as it was getting nowhere and the only winners were the lawers. I said to my lawer. "I want to be able to look back in tweny years and know what I did was fair to all those involved and to remind me what I just said if I ask you to do something just because I am angry". It is nearly 20 years and it feels good. Good luck, your kids will remember and thank you if you do it right. My thoughts are with you. There are a few of us out there.
  5. PM Barrie, He will be able to give you figures for the weight of glass per are at a given thickness so you can work out the weight of an empty tank.
  6. Water conditions in Sri Lanka can be hard so any from there might be OK. C.wendtii, walkeri, petchii.
  7. The reason for seperating them is to get more eggs. It is no harder to raise 1000 fry than 20.
  8. alanmin4304

    CO2 Stuff

    A solenoid to operate the system in conjuntion with the lights would be a good idea. You can buy diffusers and check valves on Ebay and they take about 8 days to arrive.
  9. It is a while since I have been involved but Maf used to have a limit on fish per bag and per box. Most of the fish here are imported from Asia which is a bit hot for most killies. They generally come from Europe. It is difficult to get an exporter who can supply a good range of fish in good condition.
  10. I have not done water dragons but have done turtles and beardies with just moist vermiculite. I think there are holes in the bottom that would allow the water out. I took out the mesh and put the vermiculite in the bottom. Just keep it moist.
  11. I kept a few wee flatties for a couple of years without a chiller. They are pretty hardy but the heat got them in the end. Caught them while hooking tubifex worms out of the river in the good ol days.
  12. The thicker glass can usually be bought at offcut rates because it is only used in big sizes whereas the thinner stuff can be used right down to toilet window louvres. As the man says---ring around.
  13. For t5 lights and CO2 to be effective you will need added ferts. Do a bit of reading on the subject. I can't advise as I am in the learning stage as well. Any advice given to you will be useful for me as well. Tank looks great. Your swords will fill up some spaces before long.
  14. Most people making tanks intensely dislike repairing them so if you can buy a replacement base and straps and do it yourself you may save the excessive amount people charge for repairs to encourage people to go somewhere else. Patience is a virtue they say.
  15. Going by the look of the crack pattern the base could be laminated glass which is only as strong as one thickness of glass. I would cut off the base and replace it along with reinforcing straps along the front and back to give a better bond for the front a back onto the base.
  16. How many fish that can be kept in a volume of water is a very relative thing. It depends on the temperature, freqency of water changes, amount and type of food given and a heap of other things. When breeding or importing there is a economy of scale and people will generally keep a lot of fish in a tank, but if maintained properly it is not a problem.
  17. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  18. I think you will find that the aponogetans need a very rich nedia to grow a rhizome, like banana plant.
  19. When I had them propagating I rubbed the flowers with a fine paint brush emersed and let the seeds drop into the water to germinate. I found they did best round 30 deg C.with natural and artificial light and a rich media. Since then I have seen babies growing from seed at Pupuke Aquariums which had been at 25-26 deg, flowered under water and germinated without any assistance. You pays your money and takes your pick.
  20. The reality is that some things are important to some people but not to others. Sometimes we have to skip about a bit to make sure we are discussing the same fish or plant. It is little things like this that teach us patience, tolerance and understanding. Stops life being as boring as a proverbial.
  21. Same with plants. I have been into shops down here and asked what a particular plant is and the answer is $3.50 a bunch.
  22. That would be American gallon I assume---not that it would be that critical.
  23. I think some people crossed them to normals and long finned normals and by doing that you can end up with the single gene as well as some that look normal. Some were crossed to leopards as well but I think they are sterile. I am sure there are still a few gms floating about but a bit risky if you get the visit from the man.
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